Aerodinamica e Meccanica del Volo degli Aeromodelli |
Introduzione Basi di fisica Capitolo 1 Anatomia e termini Capitolo 2 Fisica dell’aria e sue leggi Capitolo 3 Profilo alare Capitolo 4 Ala finita Capitolo 5 Prestazioni del modello completo Capitolo 6 Controllo Capitolo 7 Stabilità Capitolo 8 Sistemi propulsivi Capitolo 9 Aeroelasticità Capitolo 10 Elicottero Capitolo 11 Idrovolante Capitolo 12 Biplano Capitolo 13 Interferenze e resistenze parassite Capitolo 14 Effetti indesiderati dell’elica Capitolo 15 Risposta dinamica del modello Simbologia adottata
Costo L. 50.000 (spese di spedizione inclusa).
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Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics of Aeromodels |
by Antonio Mazzone Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics of Aeromodels fills a void in the aeromodeling literature by serving as a technical handbook. It is a digest of fundamental information which includes both the simple and more complex formulae required to determine aerodynamic characteristics and aircraft performance. Several topics ‹ aeroelasticity being the most notable ‹ are not usually covered in aerodynamics books directed toward aeromodelers. It is to Antonio¹s credit that he has tackled these topics and presented them in an understandable fashion. The role of this book is to be a resource; to answer fundamental questions and act as a guide toward an understanding of more complex concepts. Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics of Aeromodels is formatted to serve as a handbook. Includes:
Balsetta - small balsa aircraft |
by Antonio Mazzone The word Balsetta is of Italian heritage, and literally translated means ³small balsa.² The word ³Balsetta² as formulated by Antonio and as used in this book describes miniature aircraft which are constructed entirely of balsa wood and are capable of flight. The models in this book may be constructed quite inexpensively using sheets of balsa which can be acquired at low cost. A few sheets of balsa can be used to construct quite a large number of flyable aircraft. And there are a large number of available areas for experimentation. Balsetta may be built by young and old, in small apartments or large homes, at any time of year. Additionally, they may be flown either indoors or outside. This book contains full size plans for fifteen Balsetta on fold-out pages. Includes:
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