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Vecchio 26 ottobre 10, 22:42   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 26-10-2010
Messaggi: 1
Knife Edge Software would like your help.

Hello fellow G5.5 users. Knife Edge Software Would like your help.

We are looking for people who currently own and RealFlight G5.5 Would like to help us with Our German, French, and Italian translations. If you are a native speaker fluent in One Of Those languages as well as in Inglese (Both reading and writing) and are interested in helping, please contact me (Chris McVey) through private message. Also please include a little background info about yourself.

This task will mostly Simply using RealFlight envelops you in your Chosen language.

If anyone knows of another forum where I could post this message to get a better result in a specific language above, please provide me a link.

Chris McVey
Chris McVey non è collegato   Rispondi citando


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