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Vecchio 14 gennaio 06, 18:52   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 19-12-2005
Messaggi: 45
Qualcuno ripara interfaccia per reflex??

Ciao a tutti ho qualche problema con la mia chiave per il sim Reflex xtr qualcuno può ripararla??
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Vecchio 15 gennaio 06, 14:22   #2 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 25-04-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 660
dal sito reflex:

"My courtesy: I replace EVERY defective interface free of charge. The chances of a factory broken interface are very low but the CAN HAPPEN. If this happens, it is my duty to replace it free of charge. Please send in your defective interface - it will be replaced*. I don't care about the reasons. If you are resoldering the plug to make it suitable for your radio and it doesn't work afterwards - no problem, as above. If you are crossing the interface with your chair - as above. If your dog/crocodile had eaten it - as above but please clean it before shipping."
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