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Vecchio 25 dicembre 20, 18:47   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di magrinsi
Data registr.: 02-03-2008
Residenza: firenze
Messaggi: 2.714
Immagini: 8
BEC 8.4v + 2S per RX HV

Ho un esc YGE nel quale le istruzioni parla di utilizzare insieme al bec dell' esc anche una batteria collegata alla rx per una ulteriore sicurezza nel caso il bec o lebatterie principali fallissero.
Cosa ne pensate?

Please look at the label holding the 3 yellow cables to the
right-hand side. There you will find 3 possible BEC
currents, which can be set-up with the Jumper and 4-pole
male multi-point connector.
On delivery, the Jumper is on level 5,7V. (Now the two
lower male connectors are linked). If you connect the two
male connectors in the middle, the BEC is on 7,4V.
If you connect the top two male connectors, the BEC will
be on 8V.
In case you do not connect any of the male connectors or
you loose the Jumper for whatever reason, 5,7V will be
set automatically due to safety reasons. Even 8V servos
will work smoothly.
If you use a receiver battery, the jumper must needs to be
set on the right level. For reasons of safety fix the jumper
with glue or tape before using the controller.
You can use different batteries for backup!
Step 5,7V 4-cell NiMH
Step 7,4V 2-cell Li-Io / Li-Po
Step 8,0V 2-cell Li-Po
The receiver battery can be connected through a switch
cable into a free plug of the receiver or through a y-cable.
Make sure no discharged backup battery is used, because
this would load the BEC additionally by charging the battery.
A fully loaded battery will not be charged. "
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Vecchio 25 dicembre 20, 23:46   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Flower69
Data registr.: 02-12-2018
Residenza: Trento
Messaggi: 504
Interessante, sembra che chiaramente si può fare solo usando il bec a 8v e bisogna essere sicuri che la batteria sia ben carica.
Di solito si stacca il cavo rosso se si usa un bec separato o batteria diretta in ricevente.
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