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Vecchio 26 aprile 12, 12:06   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Robby Naish
Data registr.: 16-10-2002
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 1.297
[Tutorial] - Trasformazione Futaba a 2.4GHz.

Ciao ragazzi,

un gentilissimo ragazzo Austriaco, conosciuto su un forum mi ha preparato una esaurientissima guida per modificare la mia Fx18 e trasformarla 2.4Ghz

Quindi lo ringrazio pubblicamente, si chiama Gregor Nebel

Here is a short documentation of what I’ve did to “upgrade” my FX18 to 2.4GHz.
Used parts:
FrSky V8HT 2.4Ghz DIY Module:

Any Duo-LED for indicating which mode you use (optional):

Any ON/ON or ON/OFF/ON switch:
I used only ON/ON as there is no need for me to turn off the transmission (might be useful for a RC Simulator):

The following pictures should give an idea of what I’ve did:

On those two pictures you can see the switch to toggle between 35MHz (green) and 2.4GHz (red).
The small button and LED in the middle (within the FX-18 logo) is the bind/indication module (also called extend board). I only drilled two holes and fixed the module by using hot glue.

The DIY module is just fixed on the center PCB, therefor use a zip tie or something simular.

On the next picture you can see the PPM signal wire (in my case yellow, but please refer to the FrSky manual for that). You need to solder this cable to the PPM pin on the FX-18 PCB. I’ve secured this wire additionally with hot glue.

To have a better view where to solder the PPM signal here is another picture (thenext picsare taken from another modification guide).

The next thing would be to battery power supply line (red circle).

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Vecchio 26 aprile 12, 12:07   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Robby Naish
Data registr.: 16-10-2002
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 1.297
Here is a schematic drawing:

You need to cut the V+ line (red cable) and extend the battery side to the switch (middle pin). One of the outer pins needs to be connected to the cut V+ line (transmitter side) and to one of the LEDs anodes. The other pin needs to be connected to the 2.4GHz module V+ line (in my case it is a red cable, but please refer to the FrSky manual for that) and to the second anode of the LED.
The ground (GND) line needs to be split. One cable has to be connected to the 35MHz module (existing line [black]), another one to the 2,4GHz module GND (in my case it is a black cable, but please refer to the FrSky manual for that). Also you need to connect the LEDs cathode to GND.
That’s all for the power supply of the modules…

Last thing to do is to mount the antenna connector. Therefor you need to drill a hole (should be 7mm as per manual, but just check before…).

This is the easiest part, drill the hole, put the connecter in, fix the screw, mount the antenna.
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