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Vecchio 15 aprile 13, 16:06   #671 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di chrigui
Data registr.: 21-07-2006
Residenza: Ferrara - Molinella
Messaggi: 3.526
vedi che va su di 256 alla volta ma F0 H0
in realtà sarebbe circa 40, poi calcola che ero vicino con il tx
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Vecchio 15 aprile 13, 16:07   #672 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di mauro.ofx
Data registr.: 12-12-2006
Residenza: Albaredo (TV)
Messaggi: 9.717
Immagini: 23
Originalmente inviato da chrigui Visualizza messaggio
vedi che va su di 256 alla volta ma F0 H0
Quindi secondo te è solo un bug software?
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Vecchio 15 aprile 13, 16:08   #673 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di chrigui
Data registr.: 21-07-2006
Residenza: Ferrara - Molinella
Messaggi: 3.526
alla fine devi controllare f e h cmq prova a spostare la rx e il satellite e fai delle prove comparative...
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Vecchio 15 aprile 13, 16:09   #674 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di mauro.ofx
Data registr.: 12-12-2006
Residenza: Albaredo (TV)
Messaggi: 9.717
Immagini: 23
Originalmente inviato da chrigui Visualizza messaggio
alla fine devi controllare f e h cmq prova a spostare la rx e il satellite e fai delle prove comparative...
OK! grazie!
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Vecchio 16 aprile 13, 12:25   #675 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di chrigui
Data registr.: 21-07-2006
Residenza: Ferrara - Molinella
Messaggi: 3.526
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Vecchio 16 aprile 13, 13:33   #676 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di mauro.ofx
Data registr.: 12-12-2006
Residenza: Albaredo (TV)
Messaggi: 9.717
Immagini: 23
Originalmente inviato da chrigui Visualizza messaggio
Utente soddisfatto!!!
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Vecchio 16 aprile 13, 14:25   #677 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di chrigui
Data registr.: 21-07-2006
Residenza: Ferrara - Molinella
Messaggi: 3.526
si penso abbia la US version
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Vecchio 16 aprile 13, 17:37   #678 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di chrigui
Data registr.: 21-07-2006
Residenza: Ferrara - Molinella
Messaggi: 3.526
UPDATE on line ora

Files allegati
Tipo file: pdf DX18QQ_Change_Log_v101.pdf‎ (52,9 KB, 270 visite)

Ultima modifica di chrigui : 16 aprile 13 alle ore 17:44
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Vecchio 16 aprile 13, 19:33   #679 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di rillo75
Data registr.: 05-01-2008
Residenza: Bologna
Messaggi: 1.193
aggiornamento disponibile anche per la DX18 liscia:

non capisco come mai questa volta non ho ricevuto la notifica via mail!!!!

New Features & Improvements
• Added direct access to System menu from the Function menu.
• Added direct switch selection for toggle switches. When editing a “Switch” field,
just wiggle the desired toggle switch to select it. This only works for toggle
switches, not stick switches.
• All 5 languages are in a single download.
• Reduced exporting for some unused mixes to improve interchangeability.
• Added Version Info screen by clicking version on Serial Number screen.
• When changing Trainer mode, settings for Master/Slave channels are always
• The default telemetry filename is changed to be based on the model name in the
same way as it is for saving the SPM files. The name may be edited, and is
retained through power cycles. It is not exported/imported.
• Added “Distance to Model” feature for GPS. This calculates the distance from
the starting point (“Home”) to the model, and the bearing from Home to the
model. It does not include altitude in the calculation. Home may also be reset to
the current position by pressing CLEAR on the GPS Status screen. It can also
generate a max distance warning to help prevent flying too far away. Distance
alarms may be set in 30m increments (about 98 ft).
• The JetCat sensor now may generate alarms on various items reported by the
• Disable telemetry alarms while in Preflight mode. If alarms occur during the
Preflight, they will be activated immediately upon completion of the checklist.
• Added third Gyro function in Acro mode.
• Enabled UMX telemetry display (AR6400’s with DSMX provide Flight Log data
but not receiver voltage).
• Correctly display data from SPMA9590 current sensor.
• Corrected a display area for GPS altitude at high altitudes.
• Corrected an issue which could cause a slight oscillation of the rudder channel
when expo was set to unrealistically high values and the stick deflected to
extreme positions.
• In Sailplane mode, when exporting a model with functions set on Flight Modes
B1 to B5, various items were not exported including FM-specific trims, and
DR/Expo settings. These export correctly now.
• If a sequencer is paused, it will now retain its previous A logical switch position.
If paused on power-up, the position is indeterminate but will be in range 0-4. Do
not start up with sequencer control switches in “pause” position.
• When using a switch with more than three positions (Flight Mode or Sequencer,
typically) to control flaps, the display shows appropriate titles for each line, Pos or
• In Heli mode, D/R and Expo are now properly mapped per flight mode.
• In Acro Gyro, the curve settings are no longer erased when moving from the
opening Gyro screen to the Gyro curve edit screen. They are only erased when
changing the gyro type between Acro and Heli.
....diffidate sempre dagli aeromodellisti da tastiera

Ultima modifica di rillo75 : 16 aprile 13 alle ore 19:38
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Vecchio 16 aprile 13, 19:41   #680 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di mauro.ofx
Data registr.: 12-12-2006
Residenza: Albaredo (TV)
Messaggi: 9.717
Immagini: 23
Non ho ricevuto la notifica...

Voi avete già fatto l'aggiornamento?
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