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Vecchio 21 luglio 12, 12:49   #742 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di icarus64
Data registr.: 30-03-2011
Residenza: perugia
Messaggi: 3.149
Fresche fresche appena sfornate: utili soprattutto a noi scoppiettari!
Find my codes here: RC International (valid until August 04, 2012)

Turingy LSD 6.0V 2300mAh Ni-MH Flat Receiver Pack Save US$: 7.05

Turingy LSD 4.8V 2300mAh Ni-MH Flat Receiver Pack Save US$: 5.63
"Quando il saggio indica la luna, lo stolto guarda il dito." (anonimo) - "Due cose sono infinite: l'universo e la stupidità umana, ma riguardo l'universo ho ancora dei dubbi." (A. Einstein)
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Vecchio 23 luglio 12, 16:31   #743 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di kaboc6
Data registr.: 11-05-2011
Messaggi: 2.265
Extra Codes, You can save 69.73% for all of this products with:RC Buddy! Codes from

GWS EP Propeller (DD-4540 114x102mm) (6pcs/set)
Savings: 27.99 % / $0.89
Price after: $2.29
Weight: 27 g

NTM Prop Drive 13-12 2600KV / 42W
Savings: 84.7 % / $12.68
Price after: $2.29
Weight: 17 g

AX 1806N 2500kv Brushless Micro Motor (19g)
Savings: 75.03 % / $6.88
Price after: $2.29
Weight: 35 g

Plastic Folding Propeller Assembly 5.5x3.3 (2pc/bag)
Savings: 22.11 % / $0.65
Price after: $2.29
Weight: 25 g
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Vecchio 24 luglio 12, 21:23   #744 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di klamath
Data registr.: 20-09-2005
Residenza: ɐuƃoloq
Messaggi: 5.963
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Extra Codes, You can save 12.71% for all of this products ! Codes from

ZIPPY Flightmax 4000mAh 2S1P 25C (DE Warehouse)
Savings: 12.71 % / $3.17
Price after: $21.78
Weight: 305 g
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Pack suoni completo con varie voci e per tutte le versioni di opentx.
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Vecchio 26 luglio 12, 02:09   #747 (permalink)  Top
Messaggi: n/a
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Turnigy Marine 180A Brushless Boat ESC

Ultima modifica di giovys : 26 luglio 12 alle ore 02:16
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Vecchio 26 luglio 12, 04:58   #748 (permalink)  Top
Messaggi: n/a
Originalmente inviato da giovys Visualizza messaggio
Ciao ecco i miei:

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : EC5 5mm Connector (Pair)
BuddyPrice su HobbyKing, posta qui i tuoi ;-)-ec5-1-.jpg

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Purple Aluminum Water Cooling Jacket (36mm)
BuddyPrice su HobbyKing, posta qui i tuoi ;-)-512000016_t.jpg

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : ZIPPY Flightmax 2450mAh 3S1P 30C
BuddyPrice su HobbyKing, posta qui i tuoi ;-)-f2450-3s-30.jpg

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : HK-310 3 Channel 2.4ghz FHSS Ground Radio
BuddyPrice su HobbyKing, posta qui i tuoi ;-)-hk-310y.jpg

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Water Cooling Jacket (Silicone) Suit HobbyKing Vanquish 1075mm Boat
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : 3-Blade Boat Propellers (2pcs/bag)
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Prop Nylon 1.4 X 27
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Aluminium Alloy Coupler W/3 Screws - Warrior & Sea Rider
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : P1.4*D33/3 Propeller (PK2)-Warrior & Sea Rider
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Turnigy 4mm AquaProp 38x30x16mm.
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Turnigy 4mm AquaProp 34x25x13mm.
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : 3-Blade Boat Propellers (2pcs/bag)
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Shaft Adapter - 5mm motor shaft to 4mm Flexi Shaft
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : 4mm Drive dog
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Prop Nylon 1.4 X 27
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : P1.4x40mm Nylon Prop - Sea Fire & Surge Cursher
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : 4mm x 300mm Flexible axle
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : HXT 6mm Gold Connector w/ Protector (10pcs/set)
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : 4mm Gold Connectors 10 pairs (20pc)
HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : 6mm x 300mm Copper pipe
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Vecchio 29 luglio 12, 15:04   #749 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di riktor
Data registr.: 05-06-2008
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 4.060
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ecco i miei HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Hobbyking YEP 100A (2~6S) SBEC Brushless Speed Controller

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Twisted 15CM Servo Lead Extention (Futaba) 22AWG (5pcs/set)

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : Twisted 30CM Servo Lead Extention (Futaba) 22AWG (5pcs/set)

HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store : OrangeRX 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer
Perché i sogni... è bello costruirseli con le proprie mani... non ARF!

In Cina, il problema è sempre in Cina
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Vecchio 29 luglio 12, 16:59   #750 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di klamath
Data registr.: 20-09-2005
Residenza: ɐuƃoloq
Messaggi: 5.963
Invia un messaggio via ICQ a klamath
buddy buddy

Extra Codes, You can save -25.46% for all of this products with:RC Buddy! Codes from

Mr JIG - Soldering Aid
Savings: 55.97 % / $4.45
Price after: $3.50
Weight: 125 g

Turnigy HEX socket Screwdriver (3/6 inch, 1/4 inch, 11/32 inch and 3/8 inch ) 4pcs
Savings: 66.79 % / $7.04
Price after: $3.50
Weight: 403 g

Turnigy Imperial Hex Driver Set (050, 1/16, 5/64 & 3/32) 4pc
Savings: 13.02 % / $0.91
Price after: $6.08
Weight: 275 g

RC Car Height Gauge (2pcs)
Savings: -357.14 % / $-4.75
Price after: $6.08
Weight: 27 g

RC Car Height Gauge (2pcs)
Savings: -398.36 % / $-4.86
Price after: $6.08
Weight: 25 g

Turnigy 7 in 1 Mega Meter
Savings: 18.85 % / $7.54
Price after: $32.45
Weight: 220 g

Hobbyking RC Car Camber Gauge
Savings: -1797.66 % / $-30.74
Price after: $32.45
Weight: 76 g

Shock Tuning/Wheel Camber Tool for R/C Car
Savings: -260.96 % / $-23.46
Price after: $32.45
Weight: 76 g
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Pack suoni completo con varie voci e per tutte le versioni di opentx.
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