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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:08   #151 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 19-07-2008
Residenza: SCHIO (VI)
Messaggi: 1.835
Originalmente inviato da tetapunto Visualizza messaggio
La mia domanda era su come dichiarare un modello e a che serve il QR code. Il resto non e' influente .
NON DEVI DICHIARARE IL MODELLO (nel ns caso é facoltativo) devi solo registrarti e stampare il QR identificatico dell operatore

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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:11   #152 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fabiorossi
Data registr.: 31-01-2013
Messaggi: 1.071
La riprova che a registrarsi obbligatoriamente è solo il pilota è il fatto che l unico QR code che va appiccicato sul modello è quello dell' operatore
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:18   #153 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 19-07-2008
Residenza: SCHIO (VI)
Messaggi: 1.835
Originalmente inviato da fabiorossi Visualizza messaggio
La riprova che a registrarsi obbligatoriamente è solo il pilota è il fatto che l unico QR code che va appiccicato sul modello è quello dell' operatore
Nei nostri casi, il "pilota" coincide con "l'operatore"
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:44   #154 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Ste41
Data registr.: 27-04-2006
Residenza: Zanica (Bg)
Messaggi: 3.711
Originalmente inviato da LV-GDG Visualizza messaggio
Perche un UAS sia Classificato in CLASSE 4 DEVE avere a corredo la documentazione del fabbricante.

Leggi la norma che riguarda la.classifacazione e vedrai che oggi non esistono aeromodelli in classe 4

UAS operations in subcategory A3 shall comply with all of the following conditions:
(1) be conducted in an area where the remote pilot reasonably expects that no uninvolved person will be endangered within the range where the unmanned aircraft is flown during the entire time of the UAS operation;
(2) be conducted at a safe horizontal distance of at least 150 metres from residential, commercial, industrial or recreational areas;
(3) be performed by a remote pilot who is familiar with manufacturer’s instructions provided by the manufacturer of the UAS and who has completed an online training course and passed an online theoretical knowledge examination as defined in point (4)(b) of point UAS.OPEN.020;
(4) be performed with an unmanned aircraft that:
(a) has an MTOM, including payload, of less than 25 kg, in the case of a privately built UAS, or
(b) meets the requirements defined in point (b) of Article 20;
(c) is marked as class C2 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 3 of the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 and is operated with active and updated direct remote identification system and geo-awareness function or;
(d) is marked as class C3 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 4 of the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 and is operated with active and updated direct remote identification system and geo-awareness function; or
(e) is marked as class C4 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 5 of the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945.
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Dire di essere in male fade equivale a minaccia...
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:48   #155 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 19-07-2008
Residenza: SCHIO (VI)
Messaggi: 1.835
Originalmente inviato da Ste41 Visualizza messaggio
INFATTI, SE LEGGI VOLI IN SOTTOCATEGORIA A3, eventualmente con un UAS CLASSE 4 (le classi sono ai fini della commercializazione, e ti indica la documentazione a corredo... !!)

oggi i nostri modelli non sono in classe 4

eventualmente puoi chiamarmi 335 417148
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:52   #156 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Ste41
Data registr.: 27-04-2006
Residenza: Zanica (Bg)
Messaggi: 3.711
Originalmente inviato da LV-GDG Visualizza messaggio

eventualmente puoi chiamarmi
Ora no

In addition, considering the good level of safety achieved by aircraft of class C4 as provided in Annex to this Regulation, low risk operations of such aircraft should be allowed to be conducted in the ‘open’ category. Such aircraft, often used by model aircraft operators, are comparatively simpler than other classes of unmanned aircraft and should therefore not be subject to disproportionate technical requirements.
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Dire di essere in male fade equivale a minaccia...
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:52   #157 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 19-07-2008
Residenza: SCHIO (VI)
Messaggi: 1.835
Originalmente inviato da LV-GDG Visualizza messaggio
INFATTI, SE LEGGI VOLI IN SOTTOCATEGORIA A3, eventualmente con un UAS CLASSE 4 (le classi sono ai fini della commercializazione, e ti indica la documentazione a corredo... !!)

oggi i nostri modelli non sono in classe 4

eventualmente puoi chiamarmi 335 417148
Gli UAS della classe C4 devono: 1) avere una MTOM inferiore a 25 kg, compreso il carico; 2) poter essere controllati e manovrati in modo sicuro da un pilota remoto che operi secondo le istruzioni del fabbricante e, per quanto necessario, in tutte le condizioni operative prevedibili, anche in seguito al guasto di uno o, se del caso, più sistemi; 11.6.2019 L 152/30 Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea IT
3) non avere modalità di controllo automatico, tranne che per l'assistenza alla stabilizzazione del volo senza alcun effetto diretto sulla traiettoria di volo, e per l'assistenza in caso di perdita di collegamento, a condizione che sia stata prestabilita una posizione fissa dei comandi di volo per i casi di perdita di collegamento; 4) essere immessi sul mercato corredati di un manuale di istruzioni che riporti: a) le caratteristiche dell'UA, tra cui (elenco non esaustivo) ecc. ecc..:
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 20:57   #158 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Ste41
Data registr.: 27-04-2006
Residenza: Zanica (Bg)
Messaggi: 3.711
Technical provisions UAS 6.1 A UAS that is to be used in operations under this PDRA should comply with the requirements of Part 16 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/9451, except that the UAS does not need to:
6.1.1 bear a Class C3 UAS or Class C5 UAS identification on itself;
6.1.2 be exclusively powered by electricity, if the UAS operator ensures that the environmental impact that is caused by the use of non-electric UAS is minimised;
6.1.3 include a notice that is published by EASA and provides the applicable limitations and obligations, as required by the UAS Regulation; and 6.1.4 include the manufacturer’s instructions for the UAS if it is privately built; however, information on its operation and maintenance, as well as on the training of the remote pilot, should be included in the OM.
Note 1: The UAS can comply with point (9) of Part 4 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945 by using an add-on that complies with Part 6 of the Annex to said Regulation.
Note 2: If the UA does not have a physical serial number that is compliant with standard ANSI/CTA-2063-A ‘Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers’ and/or does not have an integrated system of direct remote identification, it can comply with point (9) of Part 4 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945 by using an add-on that complies with Part 6 of the Annex to said Regulation.
Note 3: If the UAS is privately built, there may be no identification on the UA of its MTOM. In that case, the operator should ensure that the MTOM of the UA, in the configuration of the UA before take-off, does not exceed 25 kg.
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Dire di essere in male fade equivale a minaccia...
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 21:00   #159 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Ste41
Data registr.: 27-04-2006
Residenza: Zanica (Bg)
Messaggi: 3.711
e ovviamente la contraddizione qui

Model flyers have the following options to conduct their operations:

(a) They may operate as members of a model club or association that has received from the competent authority an authorisation, as defined in Article 16 of the UAS Regulation. In this case, they should comply with the procedures of the model club or association in accordance with the authorisation. The authorisation should define all the deviations from the aforementioned Regulation granted to the model club or association’s members. Members must register themselves in accordance with Article 14 of the UAS Regulation, except when the model aircraft clubs and associations have obtained from the Member State the right to register their members in the registration system.

(b) In accordance with Article 15(2) of the UAS Regulation, Member States may define zones where UAS are exempted from certain technical requirements, and/or where the operational limitations are extended, including mass or height limitations. They may also define different height limitations for those zones.

(c) The UAS may be operated in Subcategory A3, in which the following categories of UAS are allowed to fly according to the limitations and conditions defined in UAS.OPEN.040:

(1) UAS with a class C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 CE mark;

(2) UAS that meet the requirements defined in Article 20(b) of the UAS Regulation; and

(3) privately built UAS with MTOMs of less than 25 kg.
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Dire di essere in male fade equivale a minaccia...
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Vecchio 27 febbraio 21, 21:05   #160 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Ste41
Data registr.: 27-04-2006
Residenza: Zanica (Bg)
Messaggi: 3.711
Lo sapevo, più leggo meno capisco

UAS operations in subcategory A3 shall comply with all of the following conditions:
(1) be conducted in an area where the remote pilot reasonably expects that no uninvolved person will be endangered within the range where the unmanned aircraft is flown during the entire time of the UAS operation;
(2) be conducted at a safe horizontal distance of at least 150 metres from residential, commercial, industrial or recreational areas;
(3) be performed by a remote pilot who is familiar with manufacturer’s instructions provided by the manufacturer of the UAS and who has completed an online training course and passed an online theoretical knowledge examination as defined in point (4)(b) of point UAS.OPEN.020;
(4) be performed with an unmanned aircraft that:
(a) has an MTOM, including payload, of less than 25 kg, in the case of a privately built UAS, or
(b) meets the requirements defined in point (b) of Article 20;
(c) is marked as class C2 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 3 of the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 and is operated with active and updated direct remote identification system and geo-awareness function or;
(d) is marked as class C3 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 4 of the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 and is operated with active and updated direct remote identification system and geo-awareness function; or
(e) is marked as class C4 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 5 of the Annex to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945.

Fate voi, io mi arrendo.
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Dire di essere in male fade equivale a minaccia...
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