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Vecchio 17 marzo 19, 17:16   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di gdiiulio
Data registr.: 17-10-2009
Residenza: pompei
Messaggi: 88
Pixhack 2.8.4 32-bit

Come da titolo, vendo Pixhack 2.8.4 32-bit NUOVO, solo testato al pc e mai messo in volo.
Cedo per abbandono del progetto.

45€ + s.s.

In vendita solo su questo sito.

Pixhack 2.8.4 32-bit Flight Controller Based on Pixhawk Autopilot For FPV RC Multirotor

Based on pixhawk's powerful open source procedure, pixhack provide more functions.
We removed those needless ports to make it better.
In pixhack 2.8.4, IMU inertia control unit seperate with the main flight control, it become floating structure which can rstrain the viberation on high-speed mini copters.

Item name: Pixhack 2.8.4 Flight Controller
Main control size: 69*45*16mm
Weight: 33g

Independent IMU unit, built-in floating viberation absorb structure, to keep your drone steady.
Removed the needless ports like SPKT/DSM, CAN.
Procedure based on pixhawk, with variety of functions.
The ports like GPS/TELEM/POWER are the same as APM 2.5/2.6/2.8

Advanced 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 high performance processor.
8pcs PWM/servo output,Max supporting 8-axis copters
Automatic & manual mode
Redundancy power input and malfunction shifting function.
Multi-color LED
Multi-tone Buzzer port
Record flight data with Micro SD card

32-BIT 2MB cache STM32F427 Cortex M4,with hardware floating-point processing unit.
Basic frequency: 168MHZ, 256K RAM.
32-BIT STM32F103 backup coprocessor.

L3GD20 3-axis 16-bit digital GYRO
LSM303D 3-axis 14-bit accelerometer/magnetometer
MPU6000 6-axis accelerometer/magnetometer
MS5611 high precision barometer

Futaba SBUS input compatible
PPM signal input
PWM signal output
One I2C port(1.25mm spacing, 4pin, JST)
Two Telemetry prots(1.25mm spacing, 5pin JST)
One Powermodule port(1.25mm spacing, 6pin JST)
One GPS port(1.25mm spacing, 5pin JST)

Nome: giacomo

Cognome: di iulio

Città: pompei
Icone allegate
Pixhack 2.8.4 32-bit-20190317_154856.jpg  
giacomo di iulio
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