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Vecchio 12 settembre 12, 18:26   #21 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fulvico
Data registr.: 28-11-2008
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hehehe.. ma come mai sul link precedente lo danno già come disponibile?
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Vecchio 13 settembre 12, 07:20   #22 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Blade-slap
Data registr.: 08-09-2010
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No guarda sono sicuro non e disponibile; anche perche appena dico a un cinese che sono disposto a comprare se è disponibile il prodotto , mi cerca giorno e notte...
In fondo sono un Laohai (non si scrive così, ma si pronuncia cosi= straniero) e x loro ho la faccia del pollo.

Poi c'è sempre una cartina tornasole, se non lo annucia DJI sul sito non puo essere venduto.
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Vecchio 15 ottobre 12, 13:26   #23 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fulvico
Data registr.: 28-11-2008
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tutto tace ?
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Vecchio 16 novembre 12, 16:15   #24 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Blade-slap
Data registr.: 08-09-2010
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In cina è in vendita
fatto preorder
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Vecchio 20 novembre 12, 23:10   #25 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Blade-slap
Data registr.: 08-09-2010
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E ufficiale, compare anche sul sito della DJI
DJI-Innovations | Overview
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Vecchio 21 novembre 12, 23:31   #26 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Blade-slap
Data registr.: 08-09-2010
Residenza: Italia
Messaggi: 8.509
ecco le immagini dalla DJI

e dal cinese:

ALL IN ONE创新一体设计 ALL IN ONE innovative integrated design
Naza-H拥有NAZA系列飞控特有的All in One创新设计理念,将内减震设计、控制器、3轴陀螺仪、3轴加速度计和气压计等传感器集成在一个更轻更小 巧的控制模块中,安装简单,节省空间,大大减轻机身重量,并预留硬件升级扩展口。 The Naza-H has a the NAZA series of flight control specific innovative design concept of All in One, within the shock absorber design, controller, 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer and barometer sensors such as integrated in a lighter and more compact control module , installation simple, space-saving, greatly reducing the body weight, and reserve expansion port hardware upgrades.

高性能无副翼系统/锁尾陀螺 High-performance Flybarless System / lock tail gyro
高性能无副翼控制系统,用电子稳定系统代替了机械稳定结构,降低了动力损耗,效率更高,使暴力3D飞行更加 得心应手。 No aileron control system for high-performance, electronic stability system, instead of the mechanical stability of the structure, reducing the power loss, higher efficiency, to make the the violent 3D flight more handy. 无副翼系统对飞行控制起到了智能缓冲的作用,在完成高难飞行动作的同时提升了飞行稳定性,使驾 驭手感更佳。 Aileron flight control played a smart buffer, while the completion of the high and difficult maneuvers to enhance the flight stability of the harness feel better.

支持多种电动直升机平台 Supports a variety of electric helicopter platform
Naza-H适用于小型电机到大型电机多种电动直升机平台,从450、500、600和700 size等都能被简单安装,便捷设置,稳定使用;同时Naza-H支持不同的十字盘类型,除了最常见的6种十字盘类型之外,用户还可以虚拟旋转十字盘以适合不同的特性调整 。 The Naza-H applies to small motors to a variety of large motor electric helicopter platform, from 450,500,600 and 700 size, etc. can be simple to install, convenient setting, stable; simultaneously The Naza-H supports different swashplate type, in addition to addition to the most common type of swashplate, the user can also virtual rotating swashplate to fit different characteristics adjustment.

先进稳定的姿态和控制算法 Advanced and stable posture and control algorithm
Naza-H继承了DJI飞控系统的高稳技术水平,集稳定、娱乐于一身,结合了GPS、6自由度惯性测量单元、磁场计 、气压高度计等传感器单元,运用了先进的GPS/INS传感器融合算法技术,并以高鲁棒性的H无穷算法及专家系统等机器人控制的理论模型为基础,整套系统在 高震动,高机动性环境,仍然保持很高的计算精度,使飞行器始终保持飞行稳定性、机动性和精准度,让操作变的 轻而易举。 The Naza-H inherited DJI flight control system of high stability level of technology, a stable, and entertainment in one, a combination of GPS, 6 DOF inertial measurement unit, magnetometer, pressure altimeter sensor unit, use the advanced GPS / INS sensor the fusion algorithm technology based robot control theory model of robust H infinite algorithms and expert system, the entire system in high vibration, high mobility environment remains high calculation accuracy, the aircraft always maintain flight stability, maneuverability and precision, so that the operation becomes easy.

可扩展GPS模块 Scalable GPS module
Naza-H GPS模块即插即用,可提供精准定位。 The Naza-H GPS module Plug and Play provides precise positioning. 在GPS模式下,Naza-H可以锁定经纬度和高度,哪怕在风力较大的情况,也同样可以在很小范围内精确稳定悬停。 GPS mode, Naza-H can lock the latitude, longitude and height, even in larger wind also accurate and stable hovering in a narrow range.

多种控制模式智能切换 Control mode smart switch
Naza-H提供了多种控制模式:GPS姿态模式(插上GPS模块的情况下)、姿态模式和手动模式。 The Naza-H offers a variety of control modes: GPS gesture mode (plug in the GPS module cases), the attitude mode and manual mode. 用户可以在三种模式间自由快速切换,以适应各种飞行需求。 Users can quickly switch freely between the three modes to adapt to a variety of flight.

支持传统接收机和D-Bus Support traditional receiver and D-Bus
Naza-H既支持普通的接收机,也能支持Futaba的S-Bus接收机。 The Naza-H supports both the ordinary receiver can also support the Futaba S-Bus receiver. S-Bus接收机(目前一般使用S-Bus接收机的前7个通道)优化了通道连接,仅使用一根舵机线连接S-Bus和Naza-H,就可以实现接收机7个通道命令的接收,安装起来方便快捷,也不容易出错。 The optimized channel S-Bus receiver (generally use S-Bus receiver 7 channel) connection, use only one servo cable to connect the S-Bus and Naza-H receiver 7 channel command receiver install it convenient and less error-prone.

外置高亮LED模块 <br /> 外置LED模块让飞行状态及飞控系统状态以更直观的方式传达到地面,实时反馈主控的状态信息,操作者可更迅 速、更便捷的获得信息,即使在夜晚也可通过LED灯的闪烁频率和颜色,实时掌控飞行信息。 External bright LED module <br /> external LED module to flight status and flight control system to the ground state in a more intuitive way to convey real-time the feedback master's state information, the operator can more quickly and more convenient access to information control of the flight information in real time, even at night by LED lights flicker frequency and color. 此外,模块配有USB接口,可用于升级、调参设置。 In addition, the module with USB interface can be used to upgrade, adjusting parameter settings.

自主起降 Autonomous takeoff and landing

自主起降功能将会在后续的新固件升级中实现。 Autonomous takeoff and landing functions will be realized in the follow-up of the new firmware upgrade.
在【GPS姿态模式】或【姿态模式】下,只需要轻轻推加油门杆量,即可使直升机平稳自动起飞, Naza-H飞控系统会自动保持直升机姿态的平稳,同理实现自主降落功能。 Posture mode of [GPS attitude mode] or [] only need to gently push the fuel door lever to the helicopter smooth automatic take-off, the Naza-H flight control system will automatically keep the helicopter attitude of smooth, empathy for autonomous landing function. 甚至整个飞行任务操作,都可以全部在一个飞行模式下完成,,让即使不会飞手动模式的新手都可随 心飞行。 Or even the whole mission operations, can all be done in a flight mode, to let novice can not fly manual mode blossoms flight.

智能失控保护 Intelligent Fail Safe
通过Naza-H可以设置智能的失控保护,以确保飞机在失去遥控信号等极端的情况下也能自动悬停。 Failsafe intelligent through the Naza-H can be set to ensure that aircraft in the extreme case of the lost remote control signal can hover.

实时电压监控和报警 Real-time voltage monitoring and alarm
Naza-H主控器可以实时监测舵机电压,如果用户使用DJI原配BEC,更可以在飞行过程实时监测动力电 电压。 The Naza-H master can be real-time monitoring of Servo voltage, if the user is using the the DJI wife BEC more real-time monitoring during the flight power voltage. 用户可根据需求设置一个安全的电压阀值,电压低于设定的电压阀值时,主控将通过LED灯向用户 发出警报。 The user can demand to set up a safe voltage threshold voltage is lower than the set voltage threshold, the master to the user through LED lights alert.

独立BEC模块(可选配) The independent the BEC modules (optional)
配外置大电流BEC模块,超宽电压输入(11V-52V),可变电压输出(5.8V、7.4V),可直接连接飞机动力电,给接收机、舵机和飞控系统供电,用 户可以根据舵机需求,改变输出电压,而不必再配备独立的电池组,稳定地提供输出电流。 With external current BEC module, wide input voltage (11V-52V), variable voltage output (5.8V, 7.4V), and can be directly connected to aircraft power electricity, to the receiver, steering gear and flight control system power supply, The user can change the output voltage according to the servos demand, without having to re-equipped with a separate battery pack, to stably provide the output current. 不仅使机身重量更轻、飞行时间更长、同时也具备电压稳定的特点。 Not only lighter body weight, longer flight time, and also have a stable voltage characteristics.

简单人性化的调参软件和固件升级 The simple humane tune parameters of software and firmware upgrade
调参软件界面已经全面升级,主页面调参内容均会自动跳出说明文字,让您省却查询,一目了然。 The Assistant Software interface has been fully upgraded main page parameter adjustment content will automatically jump to the explanatory text, and allows you to save the query, a glance. 另外,每个设置主页左侧都附有详细的介绍,更人性化的界面设计让您的参数设置更为简单、便捷。 In addition, each set the home page on the left with a detailed introduction, more user-friendly interface design make your more simple, convenient parameter setting. Naza-H将会像其他DJI产品一样提供免费的在线升级功能,让您可以最快速度获得最新的飞行体验。 The Naza-H will be like other DJI products provides free online upgrade feature, so you can be the fastest to get the latest flight experience.

Ultima modifica di Blade-slap : 16 maggio 13 alle ore 17:07
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Vecchio 26 novembre 12, 01:27   #27 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 16-10-2011
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Vecchio 30 novembre 12, 14:38   #28 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Eddy9000
Data registr.: 07-03-2012
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Invia un messaggio via MSN a Eddy9000
Ottimo...lo ho preordinato da Hobbyhobby, dovrebbero consegnarlo il 10 Dicembre, aspettiamo e proviamo, sono impaziente di provarlo perchè il sull'hexa mi ha dato tante soddisfazioni, quindi confido che sarà lo stesso anche qui...e rispetto al prodotto Align decisamente più abordabile per il portafogli, e non so quale differenza così vistosa giustifica una tale diversità di prezzo!
Speriamo bene, io lo proverò prima sul 450, anche perchè se qualcosa va male in caso di danni la spesa è contenuta...superato il test sul 450, lo lascerò fisso sul 600!
Se lo provo per primo posto qualche video!
DX7s | T-Rex 450 PRO V2 3GX | T-Rex 600E PRO NAZA-H GPS | DJI NAZA GPS F550 Hexa
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Vecchio 30 novembre 12, 15:01   #29 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di greg89
Data registr.: 06-10-2007
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finalmente il case nero..
se ti metti a discutere con un idiota, non andare avanti.. ti porta al suo livello e ti batte con l'esperienza..
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Vecchio 30 novembre 12, 15:30   #30 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fulvico
Data registr.: 28-11-2008
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Originalmente inviato da greg89 Visualizza messaggio
finalmente il case nero..
il solito metallaro
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