19 maggio 24, 15:26 | #7271 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 28-06-2005 Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.675
Se a qualcuno può interessare, questa è la serie completa degli 11 video di ISSAM: https://youtu.be/DCkUdXLld60 https://youtu.be/Zp8dh5ZBGx0 https://youtu.be/Ihg9J87euSM https://youtu.be/Qt7NQ46BHWs https://youtu.be/Kp1T0woIEfk https://youtu.be/fMbuCPJzlxo https://youtu.be/mKypqsfcfCo https://youtu.be/VAVt_t_wsco https://youtu.be/5SQy3R6pIzI https://youtu.be/JDIyCp6x8cs https://youtu.be/idfQOqMxQpY
__________________ www.msh-electronics.com |
19 maggio 24, 16:41 | #7272 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 28-06-2005 Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.675
Scusate ma mancava il dodicesimo ed ultimo video (come sapete il BaroneRosso a differenza degli altri forum dopo pochissimi minuti non consente di modificare più i post e bisogna aprirne uno nuovo, slegato dal precedente): https://youtu.be/zTvT6V80ey4
__________________ www.msh-electronics.com |
12 giugno 24, 22:38 | #7273 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 28-06-2005 Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.675
| New Firmware & Windows, Android, iOS APP’s 3.4.179 release:
As usual new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active. For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the flight controller unit is fine as it was set up), let's take a look at what is coming with this update (for free) in addition to previous versions already released: - Software: 3.4.179, Firmware: 3.4.179 (66° official release), 12 June 2024: IMPORTANT NOTE: Those using FastForward Integration with transmitters that have a 4-in-1 module (internal or external) must update the transmitter files using the new ones in the new “Brain2OpenTX-EdgeTX.zip” package, otherwise there would no longer be a 100% match in the commands. • Added decoding of the PowerBox P2BUS protocol with telemetry for PowerBox receiver with added automatic recognition and decoding for SRXL-16 protocol (but without telemetry). 12 new connection diagrams added for Wizard panel 4 • Added decoding of the telemetric JR XBUS A protocol for JR Receiver and automatic recognition and decoding for XBUS A, XBUS B & XBUS INH for DMSS Remote (without telemetry). 12 new connection diagrams added for Wizard panel 4 • Added selection for decoding of ZTW ESC telemetry in all the 3 app and all the 7 integrations • Added selection for decoding of FrSky Neuron ESC telemetry in all the 3 app and all the 7 integrations • Added decoding of Graupner ESC telemetry signal connected to the telemetric bus so that the telemetry values can also be recorded in the flight controller's record logs in addition to being transmitted to the transmitter. For Graupner ESC & other ESC that transmit Graupner telemetry signal (EG: MGM ESC). Added “Graupner” telemetry selection also in the Graupner Integration • When in panel 3 of the Wizard, Crossfire icon is selected (ELRS/TBS), pitch channel was exchanged with Throttle channel so now also the Pitch control channel is in the first 4 fast rate channels like for Graupner HoTT SUMD and Multiplex SRXL-12 16ch / M-Link (please update channel order in your transmitter) • Introduced a little improvement in the page loading speed of the OpenTX, EdgeTX, Ethos, Crossfire Integrations • Improved with TBS/ELRS protocol the measurements of the transmitted values of instantaneous and consumed current • Improved the OMP & ZTW ESC telemetric measurements • Improved the Jive PRO & Kolibri ESC telemetric measurements like Kosmik • Changed the default (after a “Reset to factory default” or “Reset Log to default”) loggable value “RxTail” to “TailOut” for a more complete diagnosis • When "Rescue Activated" event occurs the redundant "Auto Level Activated" event is not recorded at the same time (Rescue only works together with Auto Level Activated) • Reduced the Pitch percentage with flight controller in Factory default from 40% to 35% to avoid possible servo binding during initial setup after activating the servos that could go under stress and overheat damaging themselves. Note: Those who have never adjusted the pitch value and have always left the default value (40%) will find themselves with reduced pitch (35%) and will have to reset it to 40% with this update • Now when a model is selected from the Model drop-down in the first panel of the Wizard, in addition to presetting the swashplate type and blade length, the "Model Is Electric" checkbox is also changed depending on the type of model selected (Electric – Nitro/Gasser/Turbine) • If while in panels 8 or 9 in which Check Mode is automatically active, a backup save of the configuration is made, in the saved configuration file the Check Mode is saved inactive • When “Standard Receiver” is selected in panel 3 of the Wizard, and CH4-5-6 connector is used for channel reception and ESC are connected directly to the receiver instead of the flight control unit, in the “Telemetry” curtain of panel 12 of the Wizard the selection of ESC’s telemetry or Temperature Sensors are blocked, and an explication message is displayed if user try to select these telemetry • When “Telemetry Disabled” (previously only “DISABLED”) is selected in the Telemetry curtain, Integrations can continue to work • On panel 3 “Receiver protocol” of the Wizard using only Spektrum DSMX satellites, in addition to the DSMX icon, the Multi-Protocol icon can now also be selected to achieve the exact same operation and behavior • Changed the icon “BEGINNER” to NOVICE-SCALE” in panel 11 “Flying Style Setup” to highlight the changes done to this setup in a precedent release • Moved the three “Use Governor” checkboxes from panel 11 “Flying Stile Setup” to panel 12 “Optional Governor Setup” • Replaced the two buttons, start and stop, with a single Start/Stop toggle button in the two Realtime and Vibrations panels of the DIAGNOSTIC section • Updated the “Receiver Protocol” panel 3 for the old Brain, Micro-Brain, iKon and Micro-iKon control units to make it more clear that the following protocols cannot be decoded and used with old units: SRXL2, Smart.Port, F.Port inverted, F.Port uninverted, F.Bus, S.Bus2, ELRS / TBS Crossfire, I-Bus, M-Link with telemetry, SUMD with telemetry, JR X-Bus A, DMSS, P2Bus • Added in the ADVANCED section of the Windows, Android & iOS apps the progressive numbering to the various sections from 1 to 10, which corresponds to the numbering of the pages of the integrations to make the transition from apps to integrations and vice versa more immediate, clear and simple • Added: Futaba HPS-HC700, Futaba HPS-HC701, MKS Servo-tech HV93i, Savox SB-2274SG, Align TB40, TB60, TB70 electric and nitro, Fromeco battery, OMP ESC, ZTW ESC, FrSky ESC, Jeti ESC, Futaba ESC’s on the curtains of first panel of the Wizard (and also in Servo chart’s for servos) • Now the explanation Balloons in the Advanced section are displayed even if the related function is disabled as a result of other settings • Added in ADVANCED some new Ballons and text • Added some instructions, changed some instructions, some tooltip, some labels in the apps and also in the Integrations to be clearer (EG: default MIN & MAX values for ESC different than HobbyWing and Castle Cration) • In order to make it clearer that certain operations are not being given up permanently from which one can never go back, but instead are simply being postponed, some 'Cancel' buttons have been changed to 'Not Now' (EG: Firmware Update) • Added some new diagnostic infos in Recorded Log files • Added inside the zip files Brain2OpenTX-EdgeTX, Brain2crossfire, Ethos_Integration, Brain2Jeti the file "Integration Help" in text format (also the markup version for ETHOS) viewable on the transmitter screen and in PDF format viewable on a Smartphone / Tablet / PC to remind at the airfield of the operation of various integration parameters in case of need • For Brain2OpenTX-EdgeTX, Brain2crossfire Integrations recognition of the active Setup before entering one of the Setup parameter pages (page 7, 8, 9, 10) and loading values for the active Setup is now also recognized within the various pages that reload values when changing Setups. In addition, the active Setup is also displayed in the title bar (the same function has also been improved for the ETHOS Integration) • Since the first servos operating at 12V have appeared on the market, all 100 diagrams of the Standard, HD, Mini, Standard+BT and HD+BT Brain2 and iKon2 flight controllers have been updated, indicating that the maximum operating voltage is 15V (indication that was previously not necessary) • Added new document “README_for_SRXL2_&_MULTI_module_integration_for _BRAIN.pdf” and the related new icon in the MANUALS section • New version of the document “README_for_Analogic_integration_by_TX_dials.pdf ” • New version of the document “README_for_Ethos_Integration_for_BRAIN.pdf” • New version of the document “README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf” • Released new version of Spektrum Integration • Released new version of ETHOS Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt). Suggested ETHOS version 1.5.8 or successive • Released new version of EdgeTX/OpenTX Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt) • Released new version of TBS/ELRS Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt) • Released new version of Jeti Integration (see ReleaseNotes.txt) • Released new version of Graupner Integration • Improvements / optimization / compression / size reduction / code speedup / New Compiler Android / iOS app’s: All new features and improvements already listed for this "Software & "Firmware” release As usual, the release of Android and especially iOS apps publication still needs some time for testing and approval by Google & Apple
__________________ www.msh-electronics.com |
14 giugno 24, 17:14 | #7274 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 14-11-2009
Messaggi: 280
Buongiorno... non ho mai capito per quale motivo coloro che vendono prodotti in ITALIA dietro corrispettivo moneta EURO, non comunicano in ITALIANO. boh.....
__________________ "i cavalli per natura galoppano".......o fuggono..... |
14 giugno 24, 20:33 | #7275 (permalink) Top | |
User Data registr.: 28-06-2005 Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.675
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Il 99% delle vendite viene fatto all’estero, soprattutto negli USA, in Germania e in Inghilterra. Per farsi comprendere in tutto il mondo è quindi necessario utilizzare una lingua che sia compresa da tutti ed oggi questa lingua non è l’esperanto ma l’inglese. (Nonostante ciò, le istruzioni dei nostri prodotti sono anche in italiano, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, cinese, giapponese, portoghese e russo [ma abbiamo deciso di bloccare gli accessi e le vendite verso la russia]). Visto che si sottolinea il discorso degli incassi in euro fatti in Italia, l’uno per cento delle vendite fatte in Italia (corrispettivi in euro), copre a malapena solo il 2% delle tasse che la società versa allo stato italiano. Il “bilancio” della società rispetto alla sola Italia è: +2% incassi, -98% tasse. Questo è quanto fanno moltissime aziende italiane: portano valuta dall’estero e la versano allo stato italiano per la sanità, la scuola, etc. etc. Dovremmo essere apprezzati per questo e non criticati. Non abbiamo spostato la sede fiscale in un paradiso fiscale come fanno in tanti. Con questo non intendo dire che il mercato italiano venga disdegnato o peggio disprezzato, anzi! Siamo italiani. Purtroppo, però il mercato del modellismo in Italia è davvero minuscolo rispetto a quello di altri paesi. Inoltre, molti italiani sono “esterofili” e desiderano e apprezzano i prodotti fatti all’estero più di quelli fatti in Italia. La dimostrazione che gli italiani non tifano per il proprio paese sono le bandiere: È infatti rarissimo se non impossibile vedere bandiere italiane in costruzioni che non siano quelle pubbliche. Negli USA invece quasi ogni casa e palazzo privato ha la bandiera americana. Detto questo, il fatto che su internet la maggioranza dei testi sia in inglese, da diversi anni non è ormai più un problema per chi non conosce l’inglese; infatti, tutti browser dispongono di traduttori automatici che consentono di visualizzare le pagine nelle lingue che si desidera, anche l’Italiano. Lo facciamo anche noi quando monitoriamo alcuni forum esteri (svedesi, finlandesi, polacchi, etc.) per sapere cosa scrivono gli utenti dei nostri prodotti.
__________________ www.msh-electronics.com Ultima modifica di m.rik : 14 giugno 24 alle ore 20:37 | |
06 ottobre 24, 16:20 | #7277 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 21-10-2011 Residenza: Senigallia e Rimini
Messaggi: 1.042
| fallita la MSH
Scusate ragazzi ma msh è fallita? Non riesco più a scaricare il programma per far dialogare il Brain ed in più nemmeno la app mi fa accedere all'unità. Potete darmi dei ragguagli per favore? |
06 ottobre 24, 17:07 | #7279 (permalink) Top | |
User Data registr.: 04-05-2006 Residenza: San Sperate (SU) ITALIA
Messaggi: 1.181
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Poco fa' leggendo il tuo messaggio ho provato a scaricare il programma di configurazione come detto braininstaller.msi e il download e' andato bene. Sicuro di non avere problemi al tuo di computer ? Per la cronaca puoi scaricarlo qui : https://www.msh-electronics.com/downloads/ fai sapere Saludos, R. | |
06 ottobre 24, 21:12 | #7280 (permalink) Top | |
User Data registr.: 21-10-2011 Residenza: Senigallia e Rimini
Messaggi: 1.042
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