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Vecchio 08 ottobre 21, 09:09   #7141 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 15-03-2009
Residenza: AL
Messaggi: 378
Originalmente inviato da m.rik Visualizza messaggio
Disinstallando dal Pannello di Controllo di Windows vengono disinstallati tutti i files del software.

NON vengono disinstallati i drivers "Pacchetto driver Windows MS Heli..." e "Pacchetto driver Windows FTDI..." che vanno disinstallati (sempre da pannello di controllo)

La procedura di reinstallazione dei driver viene eseguita durante l'installazione del software. Se la procedura d'installazione dei drivers viene saltata ("annulla"), può essere eseguita nuovamente mediante il programma "BrainDriverInstaller" che si trova nel menù di Windows all'interno della voce "Brain".

Da Pannello di controllo Windows, aprendo "Gestione Dispositivi", quando si collega la centralina deve apparire la voce "Porte (COM e LPT) con all'interno la voce "Brain Flybarless" e la relativa porta COM che è stata assegnata dal PC.

Se hai altre centraline Brain2 Bluetooth, prova a disattivare temporaneamente il Bluetooth del PC che potrebbe cercare la comunicazione sulle ultime porte COM usate dal Bluetooth.

Provo poi ti faccio sapere grazie !
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Vecchio 11 ottobre 21, 09:22   #7142 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 15-03-2009
Residenza: AL
Messaggi: 378
Originalmente inviato da m.rik Visualizza messaggio
Disinstallando dal Pannello di Controllo di Windows vengono disinstallati tutti i files del software.

NON vengono disinstallati i drivers "Pacchetto driver Windows MS Heli..." e "Pacchetto driver Windows FTDI..." che vanno disinstallati (sempre da pannello di controllo)

La procedura di reinstallazione dei driver viene eseguita durante l'installazione del software. Se la procedura d'installazione dei drivers viene saltata ("annulla"), può essere eseguita nuovamente mediante il programma "BrainDriverInstaller" che si trova nel menù di Windows all'interno della voce "Brain".

Da Pannello di controllo Windows, aprendo "Gestione Dispositivi", quando si collega la centralina deve apparire la voce "Porte (COM e LPT) con all'interno la voce "Brain Flybarless" e la relativa porta COM che è stata assegnata dal PC.

Se hai altre centraline Brain2 Bluetooth, prova a disattivare temporaneamente il Bluetooth del PC che potrebbe cercare la comunicazione sulle ultime porte COM usate dal Bluetooth.
Salve Rik
Ho provato a disinstallare i pacchetti drivers ecc. e poi a installare il programma nuovamente, cambiare i cavetti di collegamento tra Brain e pc ma il risultato è sempre lo stesso: il programma non si avvia.
Parlando ieri del problema al campo di volo con un collega che traffica abbastanza
nei computer mi ha detto che potrebbe andare in contrasto con altri programmi che utilizzo Secondo è possibile ?
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Vecchio 11 ottobre 21, 20:47   #7143 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di m.rik
Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.676
Originalmente inviato da Alexander44 Visualizza messaggio
Salve Rik
Ho provato a disinstallare i pacchetti drivers ecc. e poi a installare il programma nuovamente, cambiare i cavetti di collegamento tra Brain e pc ma il risultato è sempre lo stesso: il programma non si avvia.
Parlando ieri del problema al campo di volo con un collega che traffica abbastanza
nei computer mi ha detto che potrebbe andare in contrasto con altri programmi che utilizzo Secondo è possibile ?
Come già detto, nel 99% dei casi questi tipi di problemi si risolvono sempre usando un altro cavo USB.
Potrebbe però essere anche possibile che ci sia un conflitto con altri dispositivi USB o un conflitto con le comunicazioni Bluetooth.
Se hai altri dispositivi USB collegati al PC scollegali tutti.
Prova inoltre a disattivare il Bluetooth del PC (se usi un mouse Bluetooth, usa il touchpad o collega un vecchio mouse con cavo).
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Vecchio 09 febbraio 22, 23:19   #7144 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di m.rik
Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.676
New “Easier Setup” Firmware & Windows, Android, iOS APP’s 3.4.043 release:

As usual new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active.
For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the flight controller unit is fine as it was set up), let's take a look at what is coming with this update:

- Software: 3.4.043, Firmware; 3.4.043 (50°), 09 February 2022

• Added to the 11 Jeti telemetry transmitted values selected in the “Parameter Setup” tab of DIAGNOSTIC, also the “Log Channel 12” value “Global Vibrations”. If an ESC is selected in “Telemetry Input” of panel 12 of the Wizard, are also transmitted “ESC Battery Voltage”, “ESC Battery Current”, “ESC Battery Used”, “ESC Battery Ripple”, “ESC Power Output”, “ESC LS RPM”, “ESC Temperature 1 (°C & °F)” values. If Hobbywing or Jive Pro or YGE are selected also “ESC Temperature 2 (°C & °F)” are transmitted. If Jive Pro or YGE are selected also “ESC BEC Current” is transmitted. A New AUTO Discover is not required, but all new parameters must be Added in “New Displayed Telemetry” if you want to see it
• Added in the File menu the “Reset Logs to default” command
• With Tandem Rotor models, by giving elevator commands the pitch increase of one rotor is greater than the pitch reduction of the other rotor to achieve a behavior of Tandem Rotors models more similar to that of single rotor models
• Rewritten, simplified and reduced size of Firmware unifying some similar routines used for S.Port+S.Bus, F.Port, F.Port2
• If FrSky Neuron ESC’s telemetry signal is connected to the S.Port bus via an “Y” cable the ESC telemetry is recognized and can be recorded in Flight Controller logs
• Added to the OpenTX the “PowerOut” pwm value (0-100%) with the sensor name “1000” (like for global vibrations, there are no predefined sensor for this kind of value in actual OpenTX versions)
• Added the Event “Voltage > 8V4” as a warning that the receiver and/or servos may be damaged at such supply voltages, and that the BEC regulator may have failed
• Added the Event “Flight Count increased” to better understand if that Event group is related to a real flight or to a bench test / ground test. Note: the “Flight Count” value in COUNTER section may not correspond to the number of Recorded Logs due to possible bench logging
• Now in all “Integrations” “Pitch Out Max:” is displayed correctly also if “Reversed Pitch” is selected
• Now using OpenTX S.Port + S.Bus protocol and connections, no more “sensor lost” message happen for VFAS sensor
• Restored the filtering of the RPM signal used by the Governor to the highest filtering values used prior to the FW versions 3.4.012/013 because of problems with some ESCs (Castle Creation) with high noise on RPM wires
• Starting with firmware 3.4.XXX the Spektrum Binding via Software and/or via Hardware does not work with SRXL2 receivers and the on-board bind button of the SRXL2 receivers must be used. Fixed
• Now also with the F.Port2 protocol the secondary receiver connected via “S.Bus In” to the main receiver is correctly working
• Values of Exponential’s that cause a slight change in the output values now work only for Pitch channel and not for all the other channels
• Now if the unit still has the factory firmware, the configuration software won't start if you don't update the FW to a valid version, as explained in the instructions the units must not be configured and must not fly with factory firmware
• Now the parameter selection dropdowns of the Windows configurator are opened by clicking in any area of the dropdown instead of the small button on the right as before
• In panel n°1 “General Instructions” of the Wizard, “RadioMaster" has been added to the transmitter drop-down list and "Oxy 5 Nitro" has been added to the model selection list and at the request of some users "Zigsaw AYA" has been added in the blade’s selection dropdown
• In panel n°3 “Receiver Selection” of the Wizard, in the Multiprotocol icon and lateral instructions the Spektrum SRXL2 protocol has been moved to the first position so that it can be more easily and quickly viewed by those who often select by mistake the Spektrum SRXL protocol used only by 4649T receivers
• In panel n°3 “Receiver Selection” of the Wizard, in the OpenTX icon removed the FrSky name so that it is clearer that this protocol can be used also with all other brand using OpenTX (EG: RadioMaster, etc.)
• In panel n°3 “Receiver Selection” of the Wizard, when the Multiprotocol icon is selected, the Automatic Channel Assignment based on the received protocol is also performed when Spektrum satellites are connected but the flight controller is only powered by USB without powering Servo Bus and the Spektrum receiver connected to the CH3 connector
• In panel n°4 “Connections” of the Wizard, when “F.Port / F.Port2 INVERTED” icon is selected, the correct schematics is displayed (Without Spektrum Sat’s)
• In panel n°5 “Transmitter Setup” of the Wizard, added to the labels “Aileron”, “Elevator”, “Tail”, “Pitch”, Throttle” the word “Stick” so that new users can understand better that the movement and direction of the sliders is relative to the movement coming from the transmitter sticks and absolutely not related to the output movement of the servos
• Now in panel 5 the throttle channel range no longer stops between 0% and 100% but between -5% and +105% to allow users to calibrate the correct TX range more easily
• In panel n°5 “Transmitter Setup” of the Wizard, when “H4-X” swashplate is selected, also the new “B-Aux3 (CH4 Output)” cursor is displayed because can be used for retractable landing on scale models
• In panel n°7 “Servo Setup” of the Wizard, the first icon of the tail servos with center pulse of 1520us which used to set a refresh rate of 165Hz has been changed and now sets 333Hz as refresh rate since 99% of the users use 1520us tail servo with this frequency
• In panel n°8 “Swashplate Setup” of the Wizard, the number boxes now display the real value in microseconds added or removed to the center pulse value (1520us) of the swashplate servos
• In panel n°9 “Tail Rotor Setup” of the Wizard, now the fields you want adjust with the +/- buttons are highlighted in green according to the position of the tail stick of the transmitter
• In panel n°8 “Swashplate Setup” and panel 9 “Tail Rotor Setup” of the Wizard only when in DEMO MODE removed the annoying message boxes "Unit cannot enter check mode"
• In panel n°10 “Blade Size Selection” of the Wizard, the preset values are now different if “Tandem Rotors” icon is selected in panel 6
• In panel n°11 “Auto Level / Rescue” of the Wizard, as already suggested in the lateral instructions, from now the “Auto Level” and “Rescue” checkboxes cannot be activated for Setup1 (if already activated, can be disabled but cannot activated again)
• In panel n°12 “Throttle Out ….” of the Wizard, a warning message was added when the “Reverse” button is pressed before effectively reverse the Throttle Out signal
• In Advanced, revised the sequence of the menu to be more similar to the sequence of the Wizard panels. The menu sequence has been revised in the same way also in Spektrum, Jeti, OpenTX, Graupner Integrations
• In Advanced, Common, Receiver, added to the list of parameters adjustable through a dedicated radio channel "Telemetry: mAh Correction Factor %" & "Telemetry: Min V to go (cell numbers)" so that can be assigned to free channels of the transmitter so that through a two or three position switch of the transmitter assigned to those channels you can switch the type of battery used (different number of cells and different capacity of the Lipo pack used)
• In Advanced, Common, Receiver, when the Calibration Parameter curtain is opened from “No Calibration Parameter” the displayed parameters list start from top instead of bottom
• In Advanced, Common, CCPM, when H1 90° swashplate is selected now it is also graphically displayed
• In Advanced, Common, CCPM, when Tandem Rotors swashplate is selected now the two swashplates are also graphically displayed
• In Advanced, Setup tab, “Input” Renamed “Pitch Exponential (Antigravity):” to “Pitch Exponential (Lightening):” / “Flotation”
• When you save the Configuration file of the Flight Control Units, a message appears advising you to turn on the TX and RX before saving. The same sentence has been added in the page "Support Request"
• When you save the Configuration file of the Flight Control Units, by default the name “” is proposed
• When you save the Configuration file of the Flight Control Units, the date and time when the file was saved will be added to the file
• Added also in the Help menu a link to the MANUALS section
• In DIAGNOSTIC section, “Parameters setting” renamed all “Log Channel X” label to “Log Parameter X” and aligned lateral instructions to this
• In DIAGNOSTIC section, added to the tabs in front of the names the same icon’s used in the Android and iOS app
• In DIAGNOSTIC section, when in Recorded Log a flight log is downloaded from the flight unit or loaded from a file, vibrations are already loaded and ready to display moving to Vibration tab. When in Vibrations a flight log is downloaded from the flight unit or loaded from a file, recorded logs graphic values are already loaded and ready to display moving to Recorded Logs tab
• In DIAGNOSTIC section, when a Real Time log is saved the title name “RealTime” is proposed as the file name
• In DIAGNOSTIC section, when the Events file is saved the title name “Events” is proposed as the file name
• In DIAGNOSTIC section, "Support Request" tab, revised texts and message boxes and revised the Events file sent without double rows
• Now if to a normal user (not a beta tester) is provided with a new beta version to solve his specific problem, when application is launched the message warning to upgrade the firmware to the previous version of the official firmware does not appear anymore
• Renamed “” file in to “” to be clearer that can be used also with different radio from FrSky (EG: RadioMaster)
• New version of the OpenTX Integration bundle (Release Notes inside)
• New version of the Jeti Integration bundle (Release notes inside)
• New version of “README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf” document
• New version of “README_for_Spektrum_Integration.pdf” document
• New version of “README_for_OpenTX_integration_for_BRAIN.pdf” document
• New version of “README_for_HoTT_telemetry_and_integration_for_B RAIN.pdf” document
• New version of “README_for_Analogic_integration_by_TX_dials.pdf ” document
• Revised French instructions
• Some revision of names, titles, labels, units, instructions (English and Italian)
• Improvements/optimization/compression/size reduction/speed up of the code

Android / iOS app’s:
All the new functions and improvements already listed for this "Software & "Firmware” release, plus:
• Added also in ADVANCED menu the icon’s for section (Wizard, Timers, Diagnostic, Manuals) selection
• Added also in the bottom of DIAGNOSTIC menu the possibility to directly access the “other functions”
• Updated graphical routines of DIAGNOSTIC section
• Android: Updated to last Android 11 API library
• Android: Alignment with Google's new / modified procedures used for app-in-app purchase (DIAGNOSTIC)
• iOS: Improved the graphic display in landscape mode
• iOS app now can run also on MAC with Apple M1 processor

As usual for the Android and especially iOS app publication is needed some more time

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Vecchio 17 marzo 22, 19:51   #7145 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 05-02-2009
Residenza: verona
Messaggi: 11
Salve Rik, ho un problema con il bluetooth. Praticamente quando cerco di collegarmi via bluetooth alla mia centralina brain2 HD con il mio smartphone, il programma non si avvia. Lo smartphone è un Xiaomi mi mix 3 con miui 12.0.2 global e android 10. Logicamente l'app è l'ultima disponibile. Allego anche il file di errore
Icone allegate
[Thread Ufficiale] BRAIN, Virtual Flybar System from MSH!!-screenshot_2022-03-17-18-30-54-797_com.miui.bugreport.jpg  
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Vecchio 18 marzo 22, 09:22   #7146 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di m.rik
Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.676
Originalmente inviato da gexmax Visualizza messaggio
..quando cerco di collegarmi via bluetooth alla mia centralina brain2 HD con il mio smartphone, il programma non si avvia....
Ti ricordi se l'ultima volta che hai chiuso l'app, l'hai chiusa dalla sezione AVANZATA?

Potresti fare la seguente verifica e farci sapere?

Invece di connetterti alla centralina, seleziona DEMO MODE, poi vai nella sezione Wizard, e chiudi l'app.

Aprendo l'app e collegandosi alla centralina in modo che l'app parta dalla sezione Wizard e non più dalla sezione ADVANCED, funziona?


Se questo è il tuo problema, entro un paio di giorni Google dovrebbe pubblicare su Play Store un aggiornamento che abbiamo già rilasciato e che risolve questo tipo di problema.
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Vecchio 18 marzo 22, 18:12   #7147 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 05-02-2009
Residenza: verona
Messaggi: 11
Tutto ok, ho eseguito alla lettera le tue indicazioni ed è tornato a funzionare tutto.
Ti ringrazio per la tua cortesia
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Vecchio 11 maggio 22, 22:02   #7148 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di m.rik
Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.676
New Firmware & Windows, Android, iOS APP’s 3.4.059 release:

As usual new Firmware notifications will be automatic, and system will prompt user of the presence of new updates once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC or Android devices or iOS devices with Internet connection active.
For those with Brain2/iKon2 that do not frequently use the APP/Software (because the flight controller unit is fine as it was set up), let's take a look at what is coming with this update:

- Software: 3.4.059, Firmware; 3.4.059 (52°), 11 May 2022

• Added (only for combustion models that have a clutch: “Is Electric” not selected), the new “Failsafe Idle value” that prevents combustion engines from shutting down in the event of short radio signal interruptions (Fail Safe)
• Added decoding of the new Platinum V5 protocol of Hobbywing (used for now only on new Platinum V5 150A)
• Added for deeper diagnostic purpose purple events for the following YGE, Kontronik, Scorpion, Platinum V5 errors: “ESC: Low voltage protection”, “ESC: Over current protection”, “ESC: Over temperature protection”
• Added decoding of the new F.Bus protocol used with the new FrSky ETHOS transmitters. For now selectable only from the protocols drop-down menu in: ADVANCED => Common => Receiver
• Added a power supply voltage check that prevents the firmware update process from starting if the voltage is too low. This is because by analyzing the external event memory of the Flight Control Units that came back with the processor ROM erased and/or altered, we have seen that in these returns the events "Voltage <= 4,3V" are always present
• Added in the Firmware update progress windows the red phrase “Do not disconnect and do not remove power and do not close the program until the update process is finished !!!”
• Added a new message box “No Firmware selected” that appear if in the Firmware selection no firmware was selected before click on “Upload Now”
• Added the orange background that warns that the configuration of one of the Wizard panels has not been completed also in panels 9 (Tail Rotor Setup), 10 (Blades Size) and 13 (Flying Style)
• Added in the Bluetooth configuration windows the phrase “Avoid using “special” characters for NAME but use only letters and numbers.” in order to eliminate the problems encountered by some users
• Increased the minimum values for Speed 1, 2, 3 on the Governor page from 500rpm to 1000rpm following problems encountered by some users with some Speed set at 500rpm and with the model losing altitude too quickly
• If "Min V to go" has been set to a number of Lipo Cells greater than 2, but the ESC telemetry is not working due to misconfiguration or miswiring, the throttle will not lock as when there is no active ESC telemetry reading the battery voltage.
• Added in panel 14 (Final checks) an explanation of elevator swashplate movements
• Fixed the Fail Safe behavior with R3XXXXSB / R2XXXXSB receivers (FHSS) when telemetry is used using S.Bus2
• F.Port & F.Port2: eliminated occasional servo movements during Logs download
• Some revision of names, titles, labels, units, instructions & menu order (English and Italian)
• New version of “README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf” document
• New version of “README_for_OpenTX_EdgeTX_integration_for_BRAIN. pdf” document
• Improvements/optimization/compression/size reduction/speed up of the code

Android / iOS app’s:
All the new functions and improvements already listed for this "Software & "Firmware” release

As usual for the Android and especially iOS app publication is needed some more time

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Vecchio 05 giugno 22, 17:01   #7149 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stravanato
Data registr.: 04-05-2006
Residenza: San Sperate (SU) ITALIA
Messaggi: 1.185
Problema strano ?

Oggi in mattinata ho voluto provare il mio 470 align con la solita configurazione; pero' all'accensione il piatto non ha fatto i classici quattro movimenti durante il test iniziale, ma ben 17 (!!!) su e giu' ( se non ho sbagliato nel contarli...). dall'ultima volta non ho cambiato nulla, non ha mai preso colpi; e roba del genere, ho provato a sostituire la batteria, a spegnere la radio e riprovare, ma quei movimenti li faceva sempre.
Sono tornato a casa senza volare, ma non ho riscontrato nulla di anomalo, connesso pero' la centralina al programma, questo ha effettuato l'aggiornamento dell'unita' e ora pare funzionare tutto bene, ma posso fidarmi ?
Allego link video
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Vecchio 16 giugno 22, 10:15   #7150 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di m.rik
Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.676
Originalmente inviato da stravanato Visualizza messaggio
Oggi in mattinata ho voluto provare il mio 470 align con la solita configurazione; pero' all'accensione il piatto non ha fatto i classici quattro movimenti durante il test iniziale, ma ben 17 (!!!) su e giu' ( se non ho sbagliato nel contarli...). dall'ultima volta non ho cambiato nulla, non ha mai preso colpi; e roba del genere, ho provato a sostituire la batteria, a spegnere la radio e riprovare, ma quei movimenti li faceva sempre.
Sono tornato a casa senza volare, ma non ho riscontrato nulla di anomalo, connesso pero' la centralina al programma, questo ha effettuato l'aggiornamento dell'unita' e ora pare funzionare tutto bene, ma posso fidarmi ?
Allego link video
Leggendo le istruzioni presenti nella app Windows, Andorid e iOS:

Inoltre andando nella sezione FAQ del sito web MSH Electronics (poi qualunque browser può tradurre automaticamente se non si capisce l'inglese) la questione viene approfondita:

Icone allegate
[Thread Ufficiale] BRAIN, Virtual Flybar System from MSH!!-12movimenti.jpg   [Thread Ufficiale] BRAIN, Virtual Flybar System from MSH!!-faq_05.jpg  
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