26 ottobre 13, 12:15 | #941 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 20-01-2008 Residenza: MI | PV | AC LODI: 220 feet - N45.13.1 E009.28.1
Messaggi: 2.446
Immagini: 45 |
scusate se rompo, ma un'altra cosa che non mi è chiara: se imposto il GOV. normale senza apprendimento, devo fare i passaggi di prova con GAS 0 e 100%? a parte lo STOP ed il FULL SPEED.
__________________ mini heli vari |TREX 450: AGUSTA109| 450 PRO|TREX 500: MD500 + AS350 + 2 DFC SPEED |T-REX 600E AGUSTA 109|T-REX 600 DFC!MINITITAN MD500| VARIO JET RANGER DJI WKH |GOBLIN 700 KSE BD3SX| E-FLITE VTOL!DJI F550-NAZA|SKY STRIDER| T14SG | |
26 ottobre 13, 14:35 | #943 (permalink) Top | |
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ProgCard II - Programming Card for ICE Series ESC Users Manual With the programming card, you can change every single function of our ProgCard II compatible ESCs. A special feature is the exact cutoff voltage adjustment for the two Lithium batteries types on the market with their respective number of cells. Further can be adjusted the timing, different brake modes, the governor speed regulation and the accurate throttle stick positions by means of buttons. The actual settings can be read back with all our BEC ESC. All other Opto-coupler ESCs the setting can be seen only at programming time. In addition to the LED matrix overview, the confirmation of the respective programming step is done via an acoustic signal, which is produced by the motor connected to the ESC. All this is possible without the otherwise usual throttle stick programming. Operating instructions Disconnect the flight battery from the controller. Unplug the command cable from the receiver (or opto-coupler) and plug it into the left connector of the ProgCard II. The left contact is signal (white, yellow or orange), the center contact is +5V (red), and the right contact is minus (brown orblack). If you inadvertently the plug the connector the wrong way, nothing happens, since the ProgCard II is protected against reversals. Please prolong the wire for OPTO ESC, because the power supply of ProgCard II gets from receiver. Connect the motor to ESC now. (For ESC with BEC, it can be connected directly; but for ESC without BEC, the ProgCard II gets the power supply from receiver.) On the ProgCard the upper LED of the lateral LED column will light up. The ESC-Motor unit will signal 6 Beep (short melody). Level 1 Shortly after that the current settings are read from the ESC as long as it is a BEC model. All LED will light up in a row. (Optocoupler ESCs from V4 push Enter button now.) You are now on level 1, starting with the timing indicator. Now you choose with the lower left button the Menu selection and can see the programmed setting on the LED line. With the upper left button you can now choose a new value that will be actually programmed into the ESC with the Enter button on the right. The ESC will acknowledge with a positive beep. (The LED on the ProgCard II will turn on shortly and is followed by a low and a high tone beep.) Functions that cannot be programmed in the ESC are signaled with a negative beep. (1 low tone) All function can be adjusted like that, while the programming order is not relevant except for the Lipo type followed by the cutoff voltage adjustment and the cell count. Though, you can modify later on any single value anytime. 2 and 3 cells are recognized automatically by the controller. That is why the cell count settings are starting with 4 cells on the ProgCard II. The programming of the cell count is saved in the controller. Connecting a different cell count battery would lead to wrong under voltage detections. Reset the Lipo type (LiPo / LiFe) will cancel the cell count and set the ESC again in automatic cell count detection! By activating the LiFe cell type (LiFePO4), the cutoff voltage is reduced by 0.7V per cell. Cutoff voltage (upper cutoff voltage line) for LiFe is 2.2 to 2.7V per cell. Cutoff voltage (lower cutoff voltage line) for LiPo is 2.9 to 3.4V per cell. In the NiMh mode, neither the cutoff voltage nor the cell count needs to be programmed. The slowdown is done automatically based on the battery voltage during connection. (Therefore, use only fully charged NiMh batteries) Beep short shortens the start beep. Rev. (Navy) Forward and reverse activation (only for Navy ESC). Stick position Brake off (without brake) For the throttle stick range calibration, please connect the enclosed extension cable from the receiver to the rightmost connector of the ProgCard II. Turn on the transmitter, and put the throttle on stop. Select the stop LED on the ProgCard II and push the Enter button. Do the same with the full power position and the Full Speed LED. Stick position Brake on (with brake) The brake starts 10% below the stop position, so the throttle stick range needs to be calibrated a bit shorter. For that put the throttle stick on 10% power ( about 3 notches away from stop) and proceed with the above calibration. Alternatively you can also learn in the complete stick range, after having set the servo travel from 10% to 100%.After calibration you need to come back to 0% - 100% to be able to reach the brake position. For transmitters with -100 to +100% servo travels you need to program -80¡ã% to +100% for calibration and come back to -100, +100% after calibration. Brake smooth, middle, hard These three steps are only for folding air-screw! F3A Brake This function allows to adjust the F3A brake intensity without any step. It can reduce the motor RPM while the plane fly downward. You need again the extension cable, like described above, select theF3A Brake LED, position the stick, e.g. for 50% brake on half throttle, and press the enter key. Likewise for 75%, put the stick on 3/4 gas, etc. For the throttle stick range calibration, lower servo travel of the throttle channel needs to be increased by 10% because the opto-coupler has a propagation delay of 50¦Ìs and thus the stop point is shifted. Level 2. All other functions like the governor mode can be accessed through the level 2 of the ProgCard by pushing briefly the two left buttons simultaneously. For confirmation the menu LED is blinking now. By pushing again the two left buttons you come back to level 1 exactly where you left level 1. Act. Freewheel (active Freewheel) allows best efficiency in the partial load range whereby the ESC remains clearly cooler Governor Mode (Gov. / Gov. Store) For the use of the governor mode in a helicopter, the throttle stick range or the throttle curve (100%) must have been calibrated as described in level 1. A throttle curve point of e.g. 70% corresponds to a completely determined head speed, which is held as long as possible for the ESC due to the battery voltage. If the battery voltage drops below a certain level, even a full power setting wont be able to reach the demanded head speed if the voltage doesnt allow it. If this appears to be the case at the end of a flight, the throttle curve should be reduced accordingly. For both governor modes: dont modify the P-gain, I-gain and PWM switching rate initially! If you do so the control loop parameters would also be modified. Governor Mode is the classical head speed regulation for helicopters. The setting of the throttle curve should be around 60 to 80% of the full throttle range. The controller learns at every start the correspondence of the throttle curve and the head speed. That is why there is a short head speed increase just before reaching the demanded speed. This can disturb the tail, but a slight pitching will settle things down as the helicopter is notglued to the ground anymore. Gov. store is an extended helicopter feature, where the correspondence of the throttle curve and the heads peed is done only at the first start (learning procedure). This head speed is stored so that at every later start the head speed will remain exactly the same. If the learning wasnt successful or wrong, you can reset the learning by selecting once again the Gov. Store. Operating instructions The setting of the throttle curve should be the full throttle range (eg.80%). Start the ESC and stop for a while when it reach the highest head speed. A fault RPM will be noticed. Turn off the ESC and disconnect the battery. Reset the throttle curve at the same or lower throttle range when connecting battery next time. If unsuccessful or fault to learning throttle curve, you could reset by reselecting Gov. Store. The learning can even be done with nearly or exact 100%. Doing this will improve the correspondence of the throttle curve to the actual head speed. But please be careful as 100% learning could lead to very high head speeds, and anyway dont forget to set back the throttle curve to avoid flying with full power. Fast (Gov.) can be selected along with both governor modes. This feature increases the control loop frequency and can be used above a magnetic pole commutation frequency of 80000 per minute. (poles/2x motor rpm) To try only if the speed control is not completely satisfactory. Mi permetto una considerazione personale: ok, è un ESC clone, costa poco e funziona benone: ci sta quindi che uno diventi idrofobo per un buon settaggio. Ma se avessi preso un YGE originale, il cui prezzo è noto, e dovessi smadonnare in questa maniera per settarlo, avrei già citato la casa costruttrice all'Alta Corte Europea Per I Diritti Dell'Uomo per attentato alla psiche umana e pazienzicidio plurimo aggravato.
__________________ Max flies with ===> DX8 - Sebart Wind 50 SE - Phoenix Model Tiger 40 - CopterX 450 SE V2 FBL - Jamara Siai Marchetti SF260- HK 600 "Alignizzato" FBL ------------------------- " Nel dubbio, giù tutto!" --------------------------- | |
26 ottobre 13, 22:33 | #944 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 20-01-2008 Residenza: MI | PV | AC LODI: 220 feet - N45.13.1 E009.28.1
Messaggi: 2.446
Immagini: 45 |
Grazie ROTT, quoto le tue considerazioni. Comunque questi regolatori economici vanno bene e non scaldano. Un YGE da 40A che usavo su un 450 mi ha fritto ben 4 servi perché ad un ceto punto ha deciso di erogare ben 11V contro i 5-6. Un regolatore Align del 500 mi si è letteralmente incendiato, un CC 80 fuma quando collego il motore e quindi accantonato. Qiundi anche i più blasonati e costosi hanno le loro pecche.... Oggi nel riprovare ad impostare il GOV semplice sullo YEP 100 del trex 500, devo forse aver fatto qualche bischerata, perché dando gas, il rotore fa due giri poi si ferma e sento dei beep. Boh domani mattina ricontrollo. Prima girava tondo come una ruota.
__________________ mini heli vari |TREX 450: AGUSTA109| 450 PRO|TREX 500: MD500 + AS350 + 2 DFC SPEED |T-REX 600E AGUSTA 109|T-REX 600 DFC!MINITITAN MD500| VARIO JET RANGER DJI WKH |GOBLIN 700 KSE BD3SX| E-FLITE VTOL!DJI F550-NAZA|SKY STRIDER| T14SG | Ultima modifica di METEOR : 26 ottobre 13 alle ore 22:36 |
26 ottobre 13, 22:54 | #946 (permalink) Top | |
User Data registr.: 20-01-2008 Residenza: MI | PV | AC LODI: 220 feet - N45.13.1 E009.28.1
Messaggi: 2.446
Immagini: 45 | Citazione:
Penso che sia proprio così come dici tu, meglio riconfermare tutti i set con l'enter in modo da essere certi che li memorizza in sequenza. Sicuro che su alcuni step non lo ho fatto, ma ho solo controllato il valore. Grassie
__________________ mini heli vari |TREX 450: AGUSTA109| 450 PRO|TREX 500: MD500 + AS350 + 2 DFC SPEED |T-REX 600E AGUSTA 109|T-REX 600 DFC!MINITITAN MD500| VARIO JET RANGER DJI WKH |GOBLIN 700 KSE BD3SX| E-FLITE VTOL!DJI F550-NAZA|SKY STRIDER| T14SG | | |
27 ottobre 13, 09:49 | #947 (permalink) Top | |
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__________________ Max flies with ===> DX8 - Sebart Wind 50 SE - Phoenix Model Tiger 40 - CopterX 450 SE V2 FBL - Jamara Siai Marchetti SF260- HK 600 "Alignizzato" FBL ------------------------- " Nel dubbio, giù tutto!" --------------------------- | |
27 ottobre 13, 10:26 | #948 (permalink) Top | ||||
User Data registr.: 13-02-2008
Messaggi: 5.948
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Non sono d'accordo con la tua considerazione: l'originale lo si setta nello stesso identico modo. Anzi, qualche difettuccio dell'originale lo si trova ripetuto sul clone: se non è clonare questo! Citazione:
Fare lo spool up al 100% serve solo se hai impostato il gov store. E' opportuno farlo con lipo cariche a 4V e non con la migliore, altrimenti richiederà troppa corrente alla lipo "peggiore" col rischio di danneggiarla. Lo spool up lo richiederà emettendo un solo bip alla connessione lipo. 2 bip corrispondono a lipo scesa sotto tensione. Quindi, o per errore hai messo una lipo scarica, o, per errore, hai cambiato un valore si start, il motore non spunta ma assorbe moltissimo facendo scendere per un istante la V della lipo. Verifica i valori impostati, anzi, reimposta i valori corretti dall'inizio! Tutto ciò che ho scritto di corretto lo devo a Urgno, profondo conoscitore di questi esc, il resto, sono solo miei errori... | ||||
27 ottobre 13, 18:25 | #949 (permalink) Top |
User Data registr.: 20-01-2008 Residenza: MI | PV | AC LODI: 220 feet - N45.13.1 E009.28.1
Messaggi: 2.446
Immagini: 45 |
Grazie a tutti per le info, ho riprovato sia il GOV che il GOV STORE ok. LIPO 4V ecc. tutto OK sul t-rex 500. Il sensore RPM mi da con THR al 100% con GOV STORE ca 2900 giri senza pale con Stunt al 85% uguale. Con GOV solo non mi ci trovo perché dal 50% di THR fino al 100% sempre 2900 giri per cui l'ho tolto. Alla Fine preferisco avere i governor esclusi e giocarmi i giri con le curve, non mi convince. Il PWM da 12 lo ho abassato a 10 vedremo come va.
__________________ mini heli vari |TREX 450: AGUSTA109| 450 PRO|TREX 500: MD500 + AS350 + 2 DFC SPEED |T-REX 600E AGUSTA 109|T-REX 600 DFC!MINITITAN MD500| VARIO JET RANGER DJI WKH |GOBLIN 700 KSE BD3SX| E-FLITE VTOL!DJI F550-NAZA|SKY STRIDER| T14SG | |
27 ottobre 13, 18:47 | #950 (permalink) Top | |
User Data registr.: 13-02-2008
Messaggi: 5.948
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Hanno un gov che lavora molto bene (è un peccato non utilizzaarlo), ma a volte, la programmazione è davvero noiosa. Quando non ti cambia il numero di giri, non lo hai prog a dovere. Ne so qualcosa... Consigli: Non andare oltre l'80% (event. cambia pignone o passa dallo store al normal) Se la lipo che usi non è performante, anche a banco senza pale, non va oltre un certo numero di giri. Si comporta come un venditore di lipo sminuendo le tue amate batterie! Solitamente si setta la prima paginetta (n. celle, min e max ecc), poi la seconda (gov soft start ecc). Bene, finito la sceonda, ripremi i tasti a sx per tornare alla prima, e rifai min e max del gas. Secondo me, se avrai voglia di riprovare a settare il gov, un giorno, risolverai i problemi. Non uso più il gov store perchè trovo che "si mangi" troppi giri, e non sia costante, a meno di avere lipo pressochè uguali, marca, mA, C e scariche. Uso il gov normale e il freew off. Solo ora ho disinserito il gov per provare ad usare quello integrato del brain. | |
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