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Vecchio 24 aprile 11, 19:07   #31 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 29-06-2009
Residenza: napoli
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Diciamo che per ora non ha nessun problema, visto che ancora non esce :-) :-)
Se parli in linea di principio, in questi accrocchi miniaturizzati meglio il motore in coda che micro ingranaggini, secondo me.
Inoltre, il motore di coda e' anche BL...
Pero ' ti dico per esperienza diretta che il TT Walkera ( 4G6 / V120 D02) regala delle" code" inaspettatamente stabili
edubu non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 29 aprile 11, 21:34   #32 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 29-06-2009
Residenza: napoli
Messaggi: 10.416
YouTube - Walkera V100D03BL flight testing

video con modello(pre production) non proprio in configurazione stock...
edubu non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 29 aprile 11, 23:00   #33 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di flyinsky
Data registr.: 21-03-2009
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YouTube - Walkera V100D03BL flight testing

video con modello(pre production) non proprio in configurazione stock...

Coda troppo stabile, Uhmm..
La vita è come un volo basta avere il pilota giusto
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Vecchio 02 maggio 11, 15:46   #34 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 22-01-2011
Residenza: stresa
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Originalmente inviato da edubu Visualizza messaggio
YouTube - Walkera V100D03BL flight testing

video con modello(pre production) non proprio in configurazione stock...
..Anche il pilota non e' proprio "stock" (un certo Manuel C.)
elyvolution non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 02 maggio 11, 16:22   #35 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 11-02-2010
Messaggi: 857
Originalmente inviato da elyvolution Visualizza messaggio
..Anche il pilota non e' proprio "stock" (un certo Manuel C.)
Ma dov'e' scritto il pilota???
zupermario non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 04 maggio 11, 18:38   #36 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 11-02-2010
Messaggi: 857
Uff nessuna novita', se non avro' notizie a brevissimo tempo mi tocchera' cedere all'mcp-x :-(
zupermario non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 05 maggio 11, 03:05   #37 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 22-01-2011
Residenza: stresa
Messaggi: 61
Originalmente inviato da zupermario Visualizza messaggio
Ma dov'e' scritto il pilota???
e' Manuel Campos:
YouTube - Il canale di buildem336
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Vecchio 05 maggio 11, 19:25   #38 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Prince
Data registr.: 09-10-2010
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Realflight G4.5,Blade SR with tail belt mod, Blade mSR
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Vecchio 15 maggio 11, 03:10   #39 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 22-01-2011
Residenza: stresa
Messaggi: 61

E' uscito!

rc711 e ehirobo lo vendono; mi piace ma..

Sembra voler diventare antagonista del mcpx ma apparentemente
ha ancora troppi difetti (da rcgroups).

...Uolkeriano ma mica scemo!
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Vecchio 15 maggio 11, 12:20   #40 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di rugrug
Data registr.: 08-03-2010
Messaggi: 22.810
Originalmente inviato da elyvolution Visualizza messaggio
E' uscito!

rc711 e ehirobo lo vendono; mi piace ma..

Sembra voler diventare antagonista del mcpx ma apparentemente
ha ancora troppi difetti (da rcgroups).

...Uolkeriano ma mica scemo!
I am fortunate enough to have an opportunity to test fly the new V100D03 along with Manny. We have test flown both versions of this heli and here are our initial findings:

This heli has a lot of work to be done on it before it is anywhere near ready for delivery. In its present version, I'm afraid it is no MCP competitor at all. There are issues both in the heli itself and Rx firmware.

The Heli Itself:

Mainshaft is extremely soft. It bends with the lightest of blade tip strike. It appears to be even softer than the 4GXX ones. Sad materials choice on this one. Since there are no parts for it, if you are one of the first to buy one, you will down for a while. None of the present Walkera mainshafts are compatible.

Foam blades are not durable enough. Like the V120D02 (and all other similar helis) the foamies are nice for us that have some flight experience so an ocassional blade strike can be lived with. Unfortunately, if this heli is to be in direct competition with the MCP, these blades will not be good enough. We now know that the MCP will take a beating and keep flying. This one will not. Again, since there are no parts until a month after release (a general rule with new Walkera helis), you will be down for a while or you will have to use MCP blades (or trim and balance 4GXX blades). The funny thing is, the first sample I got, the MCP blades were a drop in replacement. Now, the latest blades grips have a wider root that makes use of the MCP blades a bit harder. You will need some shims to get rid of the slop/flop between blade and grip.

The BL tail motor is just not strong enough. This is like beating a dead horse. We all know by now that the stock 2g tail motor is a POS for a CP heli. If they expected to have this heli do mild 3D out of the box, they should have either made it weigh much less, or added a new tail motor. I have already tried adding the 2.9g tail motor and you end up with a tail wag. No matter what the gain setting or tail blade size. Bummer.

Flight Results:

The new Rx has issues. Period. Here's what we have found so far.

Mystery servo direction reversal. When I got the latest version of the heli home to test, I discovered that the Ail direction was reversed of the original one where all of the servo directions were "Nor". I changed the ail direction and flew her for an entire battery pack. Made a couple of linkage adjustments and binded again for the next flight. Took off and gave it right Ail and the heli shot to the left and went down from about 4" up and broke the blade tips. Tested the swash movement and now the Ail was going the opposite direction. Holy mackeral!!!. Not good at all. So I adjusted my Tx back to Ail "Nor" and all was working again. That's when I rebalanced the heli and sent off to Manny for more testing. I was hoping it was just a glitch with my V2.3 2801 Tx (I don't like the V2.3, love the v2.2 tho). When Manny got the heli yesterday, his setting for Ail went back to "Rev". No way. We have the identical settings since we copied them over from one TX to the other. Hmmmm.

Uncontrollable piro rate. If you give both versions of the heli full left rudder, the heli begins to piro and then speeds up until it becomes a blur. If you release the stick back to center, the heli continues to piro uncontrollably until you give it enough right rudder to "catch" it. D/R adjustments had no effect. It is just not working right is all.

Throttle delay. There appears to be a delay in the throttle response. While I was doing some stall turns I could feel the delay when trying to catch the heli in transition from vertical to upright. Manny has now had the same experience as well. When he is transitioning from upright to inverted (at eye level) it takes so long to kick in, it sucks itself into the ground. When he is transitioning from inverted to upright, the heli took so long to catch, it slammed into the ground skids first and broke stuff again. I know its not pilot error for sure now.

These are just what we have found so far. It hasn't been in the air long enough to see if there are anymore. I figured you guys might want to know what we're looking at here and hoping Walkera's thread monitor is reading...Hello, hello. You out there?

Anyway, I know there is yet another version of this heli on its way for testing. I will post experience updates as soon as they are available. I also hear that Walkera is pushing to release this heli in China for sales by next week. Me personally, I am going to wait for a while on this one until all of the issues have been solved. Until then, I am going to keep enjoying my low maintenance MCP's.

This info has been posted in my new review thread.
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__________________________________________________ ________________________

allora, quello che dice l'amico californiano lo dicono anche alcuni venditori ufficiali: non lo pubblicano con manifesti murali, ma lo dicono

main shaft: davvero debole, si piega da nulla, e questo anche nel V100

motore di coda: insufficiente, specie per un CP (può andar bene per un CB100 o un V100, ma non per i V120 e similari)


il vero PROBLEMA è che generalmente, per non dire di regola, la Walkera non ha nessuna intenzione di risolvere queste magagne come spera l'amico del post
il Limbo è peggio dell' Inferno perché non ha porte né scale per il Paradiso // la mia moto va a benza, il mio eli a lipo, io a metafore... e para-dossi. E presto anche a lama da taglio
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