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Vecchio 05 ottobre 08, 20:02   #1 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 20-06-2007
Residenza: dintorni di Venezia
Messaggi: 5.234
Hot 3D Pilot ? then we want to hear from you....

Se qualcuno se la sente
me lo hanno mandato ma io non sono di sicuro a livello 3D

Hot 3D Pilot ? then we want to hear from you....

As we are now selling more and more CNC upgrades for T Rex 450 , T Rex 500 and T Rex 600 as well as the Gaui 550 and the Blade 400 we may be looking for you to test our NEW CNC products...

If you would like to be considered as a (Sportsmoto Ltd) test pilot please contact us with your credentials and a short video of you and your machine in action and we will consider you for TEST Pilot status.

Someone has to test our growing range of products it may as well be you guys our customers....This is NOT Limited to just UK Pilots but European Pilots also..

e-mail me


The Team
2x Prôtos Carbon Stretch FBL:MKS9660 / MKS9670 + BEASTX detti "i gemelli"
Acrobat Shark FBL +BEASTX detto "Emmenthal / Mucca"
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