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Vecchio 29 ottobre 13, 13:50   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 13-01-2010
Messaggi: 20
Winter Postal 2013-2014

Winter Postal again, organised by my friend Jaap Hogeboom.

It is getting colder and the heater needs to be started soon, Xmas will soon be there, so it is time for the Winter Postal 2013-2014

Competing is free and a good reason

- to go out and fly
- to compete against other F3K like Flavio Pompele and Mini Pilots but on your own field.
- a reason to go out when your mother in law wants to visit you

Surf to:
Winterpostal 2013/2014

And send your results and stories to Jaap.

Wish you all good luck and lots of fun,

Loet Wakkerman non è collegato   Rispondi citando


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