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Vecchio 17 ottobre 12, 11:45   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 13-01-2010
Messaggi: 20
Winter Postal 2012-2013

Winter again, yes...............

It is getting colder and the heater needs to be started soon, Xmas will soon be there, so it is time for the Winter Postal 2012-2013

And again organized by my friend Jaap Hogeboom (from the famous Tantalus Clan) Grin

Competing is free and a good reason

- to go out and fly
- to compete against other F3K and Mini Pilots but on your own field.
- a reason to go out when your mother in law wants to visit you

Surf to:
Winterpostal 2012/2013

And send your results and stories to Jaap.

Wish you all good luck and lots of fun,

Loet Wakkerman non è collegato   Rispondi citando


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