Il TOP dei caricabatterie ? - - Forum Modellismo

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Vecchio 12 maggio 17, 10:48   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 03-02-2010
Messaggi: 91
Exclamation Il TOP dei caricabatterie ?

per chi mastica inglese, ma quindi questo il TOP dei charger ?

che dite ?

Battery University

Advancing the Charger to a Battery Management System

In 2001, Cadex designed a truly clever charger, many of which are still in operation today as OEM with brand names like Harris for tactical communications, Agfa for cameras, Physio Control for Defibrillators, Depui for medical devices and Explore for industrial control systems. Other organizations using this charger are New York Fire, NATO and the Saudi National Guard. This product became so successful that over 300,000 charger stations were sold. UCC stands for Universal Conditioning Charger.

In 2012, we upgraded the charger to the UCC V2. An input of 12–36 volts feeds the circuit; a buck-boost converter provides the correct voltage to charge Li-ion, NiMH and NiCd batteries. Buck-boost allows a 12 volt source from a vehicle to charge a 15 volt battery seamlessly.

We are developing the third generation charger. The UDC (photo) offers voltages to service all Li-ion systems. Our OEM customers again chose this charger for its ability to expand to a battery management system. The UDC checks capacity and advises replacement when low. The battery status is shown on optional display panels. UDC stands for Universal Diagnostic Charger. The key word is “diagnostic.”

These powerful chargers will eventually turn into quasi battery analyzers by providing state-of-health information and sharing the information with users and fleet supervisors through wireless connectivity. Smart batteries serviced on the UDC provide instant readout with request to calibrate when tracking is lost. Calibration involves a full cycle that displays the true capacity of the digital battery. The discharge circuit is built into the charger to accommodate calibration requests.
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Vecchio 12 maggio 17, 17:24   #2 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 23-03-2015
Residenza: Tradate(VA) Italia
Messaggi: 900
Originalmente inviato da miciotta62 Visualizza messaggio
per chi mastica inglese, ma quindi questo il TOP dei charger ?

che dite ?

Battery University

Se non leggo male non carica le Lipo e, se questo e' vero, gia' lo mette fuori gara.
JJRC H8C / Bayangtoys X9
Phantom 1.1.1, gimbal, SJ4000 e Gitup GIT2
Eachine ET526 / Eachine LCD5800D 5.8GHz 40Ch FPV
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Vecchio 17 maggio 17, 17:34   #3 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 03-02-2010
Messaggi: 91
vero li parla solo di litio-ion....
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Vecchio 17 maggio 17, 22:43   #4 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 20-09-2005
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Oppure con Li-Ion intendono l'intera famiglia di batterie agli ioni di litio che ovviamente comprende lipo e life...
Il nuovo forum riservato ai Multirotori è ONLINE...
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Pack suoni completo con varie voci e per tutte le versioni di opentx.
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