Savage 25 edizione limitata - - Forum Modellismo

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Vecchio 29 luglio 05, 09:06   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 27-01-2005
Messaggi: 1.364
è uscito il nuovo savage edizione limitata

3 velocità,upgrade gia installati e cosi via dicendo:

Savage 25 Limited Edition Features:

* Adjustable 3 speed transmission with heavy-duty metal internal
* Polished aluminum dual chamber tuned pipe
* Dual stainless steel drilled disc brakes
* Chrome 6 spoke wheels
* Dirt Bonz tires (with inner foam)
* Cam type servo saver
* Optional gearing (15T, 19T, 47T, 49T gears included)
* 4-gear differentials (front and rear)
* Pre-painted trimmed GT-1 truck body in all-new colors with Savage 25 decals applied
* Rear tie-rod washers
* Nitro Star S-25 engine (ABC) with slide carburetor
* Purple anodized, billet aluminum heat sink engine head
* Roto Start System installed!
* Aluminum high flow tube rear exhaust header
* Stiff black shock springs
* Rear pick-up 160cc fuel tank with no primer
* Three-shoe clutch
* Revised wheel hex hubs
* Giant 1/8th scale (16.8" x 21")
* Factory assembled
* Full-time shaft driven four wheel drive
* Complete set of rubber sealed ball bearings
* TF-4 radio system with high torque steering servo
* Cast aluminum heavy-duty engine mount
* Heavy-duty drive train and suspension optimized for big-block engines
* Hardened metal differential gears
* Adjustable slipper clutch
* Adjustable disc brake
* Wide-track suspension (nearly 17 inches wide!)
* Stainless steel inboard hinge pins with anodized aluminum braces
* 8 long stroke oil-filled coil over shock absorbers
* Rigid aluminum TVP chassis (Twin Vertical Plates)
* Enclosed radio box for protection of electronics
* Front and rear skid plate bumpers
* Adjustable body posts (with extra mount for SUV bodies)

*Compatible with T-Maxx bodies
*Compatible with T-Maxx wheels
*Compatible with T-Maxx tires

già che c'erano potevano anche installarci gli ammortizzatori in alluminio e magari farcelo pagare 80 euri in piu!con sti soliti ammortizzatori dura 3 giorni se lo si usa da vero monster

Ultima modifica di il__fantasma : 24 novembre 05 alle ore 15:12
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