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Vecchio 18 ottobre 07, 19:38   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
DriveCalc v3.2, Win/Mac/Linxu

DriveCalc version 3.2 is available.
In English & German and for Win, Mac & Linux.

For download, more help, announcements, discussion, suggestions:

From Christian Persson's post at

Originalmente inviato da Christian Persson
This new version ist a must-have for all Drive Calculator users, since it includes a new SQL database engine. Future online updates of the database can be provided in the new format only. Drive Calculator 3.2 includes functions for importing and converting existing databases.

New in this version:
- Much faster database actions.
- You can now create new databases and open several databases at the same time.
- Printing functions.
- Improved algorithms for the motor analysis.
- Supports Unitest 2 data logger.
- Enhanced user interface.
- Database search in addition to the filters.

(Detailed information in the readme file and the manual.) As always I welcome comments and suggestions for future enhancements.

Vriendelijke groeten ;) Ron
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Vecchio 19 ottobre 07, 23:30   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fabolo
Data registr.: 14-11-2006
Residenza: Monza
Messaggi: 1.015
good, finally something for Mac!
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