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Vecchio 15 febbraio 16, 00:13   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 29-09-2014
Residenza: Ferrara
Messaggi: 466
ESC Skywalker

Mi hanno portato un tutt'ala completo di elettronica
eSC Skywalker con tutto il suo menù ....
Qualcuno mi potrebbe spiegare cosa fanno ??

1. Brake Setting:Enabled / Disabled
2. Battery Type:Lipo / NiMH
3. Low Voltage Protection Mode(Cut-Off Mode): Soft Cut-Off (Gradually reduce the output power) /Cut-Off (Immediately stop the
output power)
4. Low Voltage Protection Threshold(Cut-Off Threshold):Low / Medium / High
1) For lithium battery, the battery cell number is calculated automatically. Low /
medium / high cutoff voltage for each cell is:
2.85V/3.15V/3.3V. For example: For a 3S Lipo, when “Medium” cutoff threshold
is set, the cut-off voltage will be: 3.15*3=9.45V
2) For NiMH battery, low / medium / high cutoff voltages are 0%/50%/65% of the
startup voltage (i.e. the initial voltage of
battery pack), and 0% means the low voltage cut-off function is disabled. For
example: For a 10 cells NiMH battery, fully
charged voltage is 1.44*6=8.64V, when “Medium” cut-off threshold is set, the
cut-off voltage will be:8.64*50%=4.32V。
5. Startup Mode:Normal /Soft /Super-Soft (300ms / 1.5s / 3s)
Normal mode is suitable for fixed-wing aircraft. Soft or Super-soft modes are suitable for helicopters. The initial acceleration of the
Soft and Super-Soft modes are slower, it takes 1.5 second for Soft startup or 3 seconds for Super-Soft startup from initial throttle
advance to full throttle. If the throttle is completely closed (throttle stick moved to bottom position) and opened again (throttle stick
moved to top position) within 3 seconds after the first startup, the re-startup will be temporarily changed to normal mode to get rid of
the chance of a crash caused by slow throttle response. This special design is suitable for aerobatic flight when quick throttle
response is needed.
6. Timing:Low / Medium / High,( 3.75°/15°/26.25°)
Usually, low timing is suitable for most motors. To get higher speed, High timing value can be chosen.

A parte il punto 3 e 4 che forse ho capito che sono gli altri cosa sono ??

Grazie in anticipo
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