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Vecchio 28 settembre 06, 20:45   #11 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di anfarol
Data registr.: 15-10-2003
Residenza: Forlì
Messaggi: 3.752
Speechless... WOW!!!!... YOHUUU!!!! I cannot wait to experiment with
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Vecchio 28 settembre 06, 22:21   #12 (permalink)  Top
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L'avatar di staudacher300
Data registr.: 16-02-2004
Residenza: Roma Snakes Hill
Messaggi: 28.837
Sandrone: un uomo di un certo peso.
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Vecchio 29 settembre 06, 09:55   #13 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 11-08-2005
Residenza: Padova
Messaggi: 60
Originalmente inviato da ron_van_sommeren
At this years Aspach electric event (South Germany, best, biggest in the world?)

Hydrogen powered Horten flying wing + diy outrunner
Videos & tech/development info
Motor: 10mm outrunner kit from
Fuel: iquid hydrogen (99,9%) in two plastic bottles at 10 bar pressure
Stack consists of 12 cells ( )
Stack weight: 1,1kg
Max power: 65Watt, 6Volt, 11Ampère
Wingspan: 2m
Weight: 650gr (empty of course)
Plastic bottles (tested at 20bar) will be replaced by aluminium bottles (tested at ?? bar)

Vriendelijke groeten ;) Ron
• diy motor building tips & tricks
• int. E fly-in & diy outrunner meet, Aug.26 2007, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
• Drive Calculator
• diy brushless motor discussion group
download & discussion group
Yes, total fly was 2400gr, so to increase the power to motor the pilot put 2 Konion in serial to twice at 130watt the sistem. I's a starting point, the same power class cell can be built more light to 500gr against actual 1,1kg.
The show and ours fly was great olso this year.

picture at
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Vecchio 29 settembre 06, 19:41   #14 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di estense
Data registr.: 12-08-2004
Residenza: Ispra (VA)
Messaggi: 2.228
just for curiosity's sake, somebody could tell me the actual cost of 1 Kg. of liquid hydrogen ?
Volare e' bello. Atterrare e' piu' bello

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