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Vecchio 26 gennaio 04, 20:34   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di flyer
Data registr.: 18-09-2002
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 548
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CD-Rom brushless motor conversion hint request

Hi, i am starting to convert my first cd-rom brushless motor for flight. The donor was a NEC 1610 drive.

As a test-bed i have a pibros delta flying wing and actually i use a Speed 400 6 Volt with Ghunter 125x110 mm and 6 KR600AE NiCd cell.

I would like to substitute the motor with the cdrom one. Since i undestand that number of turns of each wind affect the rpm and that "the more the winding turns the lower the rpm", i wander how many turns i need in this particulare application.

I planned to experiment with this setup : 0.4 mm wire gauge 12 turns
There is some way to predict the motor behaviour?

Tnx, Fabio.
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Vecchio 27 gennaio 04, 02:40   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Hi Fabio, it's difficult to tell how many windings you need for your purpose, there are so many cd-rom motors about. Start with a larger number of windings. Don't test your motor direct from a battery, use a current limited power supply.
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Vecchio 27 gennaio 04, 11:46   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di anfarol
Data registr.: 15-10-2003
Residenza: Forlì
Messaggi: 3.752
Hi Fabio,
is not simple obtain speed 400 power from CD-ROM. Normally you're int he 280-300 range.
First of all you MUST replace original ring magnet, with neod. magnets. Torque and efficiency will increase a lot. If you leave original ring, you can obtain about 15W, a lot far from 400 range.
12T I think isn't a good way to start with. RON is right. Start with higher windings number. I started with 16T and 22T 0,4mm.
At the moment, I'm in the way to Test a CDmotor for 3Lipo in the 40W range, and now there are 32 T (very difficult to stay in).

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