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Vecchio 30 dicembre 03, 15:58   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
nessun tornio, motori brushless autocostruiti

An ongoing thread about a do-it-yourself motor that can be built without a lathe/mill:
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Vecchio 21 gennaio 04, 13:08   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di flyer
Data registr.: 18-09-2002
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 545
Immagini: 1

Hi, this idea sounds great. It is worth a try. But ... before starting this madness work i have some queries.

Material needed

Magnets .... where to buy ?

I understand to use 0.3 mm wire, 6 coils and 9 turn per coil
Which is the winding schema to be used ?

The book referred is available also in English?

Tnx, Fabio.
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Vecchio 22 gennaio 04, 03:37   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Hi Fabio, first the bad knews, Ludwig Retzbach's booklet is not available in English. I offered to do the translation but haven't heard from them since

You can of course experiment with the number of winds and thickness of the wire. Six coils will not work since you alreay have 6 magnetpoles, the motor would not know which way to turn. Either 4 or 8 coils. I don't have the winding scheme at hand here at my friends place, I know it's somewhere in the thread. I can look it up for you once I get home. You can read the German threads mentioned in the Ezone thread using online transation tools, just enter the internet address:

You can order magnets from: (Switzerland) (USA)

Engconcepts ((Mr.George) and aircraft-world (David Radford, a.k.a. Nippon Dave), deliver worldwide (posting and packiging costs are low), don't know if supermagnete delivers outside Europe. All three suppliers are very popular in motor homebuilders circles, see the discussiongroups: (English, moderated by me) (Français, moderated by Jean-François Delhove from Belgium)
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Vecchio 22 gennaio 04, 10:25   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di flyer
Data registr.: 18-09-2002
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 545
Immagini: 1
Hi Ron, Tnx for the info. Maybe the traslator leads me in confusion for the six coils, the original sentence in the thread was

"Gewickelt wurde pro Strang mit 6x0,3er Draht. (Fiebel 5x0,3...)
9 Windungen pro Spule. Schema ABC ABC ABC.
Das herunterschieben der Spulenköpfe mache ich mit Querdrähten, die nach dem verkleben natürlich wieder raus kommen!"

From this translation and pictures i was unable to understand how to wind.
I suppose that wire thickness experiment lead to have motors the can be driven by higher or lower currents.

What ABC ABC ABC shema means ?

I guess it will be very helpfull to produce a short video with a pratical building session and solve directly most questions. I also guess that the hard part is only starting with the first motor, after that it should be fairly simple.

Nice to hear from you ASAYC.
:-) Fabio.
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Vecchio 22 gennaio 04, 12:13   #5 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di anfarol
Data registr.: 15-10-2003
Residenza: Forlì
Messaggi: 3.752
Hi all,
I've one cd-rom motor testinsg and one on the way... We'll see.

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Vecchio 26 gennaio 04, 02:39   #6 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
..."Gewickelt wurde pro Strang mit 6x0,3er Draht. (Fiebel 5x0,3...)
9 Windungen pro Spule. Schema ABC ABC ABC.
Das herunterschieben der Spulenköpfe mache ich mit Querdrähten, die nach dem verkleben natürlich wieder raus kommen!"
Nine winds per coil, 6 wires wound in parallel(flexibility), 0.3mm

... What ABC ABC ABC shema means ?
'A' means phase A CW, 'a' means CCW. Idem for phase B and C. So in this case, all phases on all teeth are wound in the same direction.

I guess it will be very helpfull to produce a short video with a pratical building session and solve directly most questions. I also guess that the hard part is only starting with the first motor, after that it should be fairly simple.:-)
Aha, we have a volunteer ;)

Make sure you make the coils as compact as possible, squeeze out all the air. Don't let the opposite long 'sides' of a single coil touch another. Thicker wire, or more in parallel, for higher currents.

For some *&^%$ reason, I could not reach the baronerosso site for a week, other sites were no problem (???). Hence my rather late reply
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