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Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 01:59   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
"How to build a 1/4 scale demoiselle model"

Hello together,

I'm from Germany and I want to show you how to build a 1/4 scale Demoiselle.

I will do it step by step and I hope you enjoy it.

greetings Gabriel

Alberto Santos Dumont's aircraft were slightly in construction.

Many of the supporting parts are made of bamboo and metal tubes.

The Demoiselle No. 20, technical data from the Musee de l'air documents.

Wingspan 6,35 m

Length 6.65 m

Height 2.20 m

Weight 120 kg

1 x Dutheil-Chalmers (Darracq) 35 hp

My 1:4 scale model:

Wingspan 1,58 m

Length 1.66 m

Part 1

The material:

Pine strips

Pine round bars


Brass tubes

Copper wire

Steel wire


Solder, and various small parts

Photos 1 show the drawings and lots of photos from the Musee de l'Air in France.

Part 2.

All clamps are drilled for the brass tubes. So we get a better grip and the alignment is much simpler.

First we build the fuselage.

Lay down two of the wood strips on the plan and transfer the position of the clamps.

The tubes we cut to the length and then solder with the clamps.

One of the pictures shows the universal joint of the tail and you see the front section with the motor mounts.

The main part constructed with five brass components.

Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 02:00   #2 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
...more pictures.

greetings Gabriel
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Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 02:43   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di snioff
Data registr.: 28-12-2007
Messaggi: 422
Wow! Great stuff, Gabriell!!
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Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 02:56   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Mrk89
Data registr.: 29-05-2006
Residenza: Catania
Messaggi: 2.933
have you welded them togheter with simple tin?
And how do you made the two "X" in front of the plane?
Il filo attaccato all'antenna non mente mai....Troppo vento, si torna a casa....
I miei circuiti elettronici autocostruiti: Postbruciatore per ventole intubate ; Circuito luci per aeromodello-elimodello ; Rallenta servo con protezione da corto circuito
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Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 09:19   #5 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 03-03-2003
Residenza: Prov. di Benevento (Telese) e Chieti
Messaggi: 4.883
Absolutely IMPRESSIVE!

Perhaps it'd be better move this thread in the Scale section. It's more appropriate for such a beautiful scale model

....ufficialmente e felicemente scomunicato!

doctordoom non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 10:44   #6 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Hello together, many thanks.

If it is better please then move my thread in the scale's ok.

The questions.

The X-shaped struts are pressed by half at the crossing point.
Then you put small pieces of wire on this point, wrapped round with thin copper wire and soldered everything.

It was soldered with solder for water pipes and with Degussa silver solder (hardsolder).

greetings Gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 12:09   #7 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32

Now, the spoke wheels are ready and installed for a test.
I will report in next time.
greetings gabriel

Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 21:42   #8 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32

The front and rear fuselage components are static components. These parts were brazed with "Degussa silver solder", all other components soft-soldering.
Hard soldering
Degussa silver solder without coating
Degussa H Braze Tech
Micro Gas Torch
Soft soldering:
Soft Solder 1,5mm dia.
Solder Iron

Thanks so much for your interest.

Greetings Gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 06 ottobre 11, 21:56   #9 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Sorry I forgot, that's the finished model.

greetings gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 07 ottobre 11, 00:39   #10 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 09-11-2009
Residenza: Rivoli (To)
Messaggi: 498
Immagini: 4
Invia un messaggio via MSN a maverikoneil
sweeet job Gabriel, hope to see it soon in the air.
Figlio virtuale di wipstaf, aspirante gigamodellista, autocostruttore di barconi volanti con tendenze alla perdita cronica di portanza e all'esaurimento precoce delle batterie.
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