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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 12:51   #21 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di at-6 harvard
Data registr.: 01-02-2008
Residenza: Firenze
Messaggi: 3.475
Immagini: 5
thks Gabriell. I state that I am not a lover "vintage" but I realize that the "old timers airplane" have a little something extra 'that have no modern reproductions, that is loyalty in detail "a true miniature airplane". however, when the reproductions are made ​​by expert hands then this enhances them even more.
p.s when i come in Germany i call you ok?.. see you soon
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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 13:11   #22 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Hello at-6-harvard,

yes ok, please tell me if you come to Germany.

I will show the next parts.

The first photo shows the finished elevator.
The wire edge will come later.

Pic.2 + 3
You can see the control with the pedals.

have fun, greetings gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 14:40   #23 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
As promised, here new pictures.

Figures 1. shows the control with steering wheel. After painting, the part is installed.

Figures 2 and 3 shows the glued wing.

Greetings Gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 15:00   #24 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di snioff
Data registr.: 28-12-2007
Messaggi: 422
Really wonderful!
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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 16:05   #25 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Thanks so much, snioff.

I've grinded and mounted the wings.
Greetings Gabriel

Ultima modifica di Gabriel Voisin : 23 ottobre 11 alle ore 16:08
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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 16:28   #26 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Hello together,

At one of my photos you can see my "helping hand", for the soldering works of the pipe clamps.

This is absolutely necessary to produce some pipe clamps and to solder them.
A very simple construction made of a 3mm aluminum wire, but is very helpful.

The brass tubes was slotted and then I inserted the clamp in the slot and soldered.

All holes through the wing spars, I reinforced with 1mm thick pine strips. So they do not break.

I wish you much fun and a good week.

Greetings Gab

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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 23:51   #27 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di snioff
Data registr.: 28-12-2007
Messaggi: 422
Hi Gabriel, did you produce some video tutorials on youtube meanwhile you are welding or some pictures of topic welding moments? Understand me, not a matter to go over your privacy but just to learn how you arrange your work-space when you make such a superb job like you did.
Tky in advance.
snioff non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 24 ottobre 11, 00:41   #28 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Hi snioff,...thanks.

Sorry, I've made not any videos because I have not a video camera.

greetings gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 25 ottobre 11, 00:36   #29 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
It’s ging on.

Greetings Gabriel
Gabriel Voisin non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 25 ottobre 11, 01:40   #30 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Mrk89
Data registr.: 29-05-2006
Residenza: Catania
Messaggi: 2.933
Truly impressive!!

Perfect job Gabriel!!
Il filo attaccato all'antenna non mente mai....Troppo vento, si torna a casa....
I miei circuiti elettronici autocostruiti: Postbruciatore per ventole intubate ; Circuito luci per aeromodello-elimodello ; Rallenta servo con protezione da corto circuito
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