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Vecchio 07 ottobre 11, 00:46   #11 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Mrk89
Data registr.: 29-05-2006
Residenza: Catania
Messaggi: 2.933
Originalmente inviato da maverikoneil Visualizza messaggio
sweeet job Gabriel, hope to see it soon in the air.
I think it is not a RC model...

Ops... Volevo dire penso che non sia un modello RC, anzi dalle foto ne sono proprio sicuro!!!

Did you take some photos about how you made the motor? and the gears? and the rudder/elevator? and the wings?
Il filo attaccato all'antenna non mente mai....Troppo vento, si torna a casa....
I miei circuiti elettronici autocostruiti: Postbruciatore per ventole intubate ; Circuito luci per aeromodello-elimodello ; Rallenta servo con protezione da corto circuito
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Vecchio 07 ottobre 11, 01:08   #12 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Of course it's a RC Model. I don't build static models.

But I will covering the wings and the tail only in the winter months, because at the moment I build two other models.

Yes, I show you the way how I constructed the parts.

All rc components will mounted later in the body of the pilots.

greetings gabriel
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Vecchio 07 ottobre 11, 14:32   #13 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di nuvolari
Data registr.: 05-03-2005
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I like it ,i love just old time /vintage models, this is a good way instead using the wole structure of steel tube,what kind of wood you used??
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Vecchio 07 ottobre 11, 17:17   #14 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Thanks so much nuvolari,

please look at the page 1 / first post. I have listed all the technical datas.
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Vecchio 08 ottobre 11, 02:31   #15 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
next part, the Elevator / Ruder

With this method, you can build also complete fuselages with steel tube, as with the EIII.

It is very easy if you know how it goes.

Glue the drawing on a plywood.

All points you will solder must be cut from the plywood. (circle cutter).

Drill left and right 1 mm holes in the plywood.

All metal pipes saw fit.
The tubes are then fixed with 0.8 mm wire on the plywood.

All wires tightened and then brazing the tubes.

At first I have individually brazed both parts.
Then I push together the pieces and soldered.

The Elevator of the Demoiselle is a construction of metal and bamboo.
Therefore, after the soldering are all pipes cut to length.
I've soldered a part of the joint.

Greetings Gabriel
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Vecchio 22 ottobre 11, 10:48   #16 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Next part, the wings.

First, we cut all wood strips for the ribs.

Then all strips will painted with wood primer.

I made a detailed drawing for the wing, with all positions for the spacer blocks and the wing spars.

We build the wing on a flat wood board. I use a Graupner system board made of balsa.

The drawing is pinned to the wooden board and then all the rip strips with clothespins attached to the drawing.

The two wing spars can now be glued to their position.

I've built a form for the curvature, we need it later.

greetings gabriel
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Vecchio 22 ottobre 11, 10:56   #17 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Next step.

Before I can install the wooden struts on the tail, I had to painted the joint.

As you can see in the picture, I have soldered two nuts on the pivot.

The most difficult so far was the exact color scheme.

I have organized 80 color maps to compare all the colors.

The next work is now the control, the seat and foot pedals.

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Vecchio 22 ottobre 11, 11:03   #18 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
The control, part 1.

Metal tubes bend properly and easily.

You need no tools for tubes to 8mm, only a micro burner and a flat pliers.

Do not believe everything you read on the Web about this theme.

They require no bending machines, rollers, sand or other means.

I need for this work about one minute.

1.a First, mark the center of the bend.

1.b For a tight bend, we glow out 10mm,....5mm to the right and the left.

1.c For a wide bend, we glow out 20mm?....10mm to the right and the left.

2. Glow with the micro burner now the tube, least 30 - 40 seconds on all sides.

3. Let cool the pipe, no water.

4. Take the brass tube with the pliers on the right mark.

5. Now grasp the tube 5 to 6 cm away from the mark with his left hand and bend it 40%.

6. You can bend so long till you hear a "knack", then stop.

7. Glow the area again with the micro burner, and bend.
Not more than 40% and only to the "knack".


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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 00:40   #19 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di at-6 harvard
Data registr.: 01-02-2008
Residenza: Firenze
Messaggi: 3.475
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great model plane Gabriel, very nice. if you build so ,when you build an jet, what do you make?
p.s Danke Ihr Geschick beim Aufbau Modellflugzeuge erfrischt das Forum .
p.p.s Es tut mir leid ich nicht Deutsch sprechen, "aber ich möchte Google Translator" für den Moment nutzen. bald

Ultima modifica di at-6 harvard : 23 ottobre 11 alle ore 00:47
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Vecchio 23 ottobre 11, 12:19   #20 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-10-2011
Messaggi: 32
Hello at-6-harvard,

thanks for the compliment, I want give it return because your German is very well.

I want just show all how you can make a lot of parts, because many modelers don't know this. I think you can build every model, whether pioneer or jet, but I think there is no interest in this forum.

I work at the time on a Wright Flyer 1905 model with 205cm wingspan, this model is a big challenge.

greetings gabriel
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