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Vecchio 10 dicembre 18, 14:12   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 06-08-2017
Residenza: Nord-Est
Messaggi: 436
New Model Aircraft World Record - 10.12.2018

FAI has ratified the following Class F (Model Aircraft) World record:

Claim number : 18618
Sub-class : F5 Open / Radio Control Flight
Category : Aeroplane
Group : Electrical Motor Rechargeable Sources
Type of record : Speed: F175
Course/location : Ballenstedt (Germany)
Performance : 515,1 km/h
Pilot : Kai Koppenburg (Germany)
Members : Ralph Okon (Germany)
Date : 24.06.2018
Previous record : no record set yet


“At this year's PowerCrocoSpeedChallenge I took first place with my Typhoon XS Ultra with 526 km/h speed. The PowerCrocoSpeedChallenge is one of the engine builder Dr. Ralph Okon aka PowerCroco initiated an invitation event in which 30 speed pilots measured themselves. My model weighed 5.1kg and had 13.5kW of drive power. All this would not be possible if I could not rely 100% on my ProfiTX 16 and the DR-7-Compact receiver. This is no longer a matter of course in an environment with extreme accelerations and currents beyond 300A. The extensive possibilities of telemetry are extremely helpful or even absolutely necessary.

After the PCSC they tried to attack the current world records in different classes. Here I was also successful! The evaluation of the high-speed photos is still pending, but the core measuring system showed 509 km/h on average. Incidentally, the last record from 2015 was 481.56 km/h. In the coming weeks, the exact evaluation and the preparation of the record file, which is then submitted to the DAeC and then to the FAI for official recognition.”
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