Slope flying in Umbria - - Forum Modellismo

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Vecchio 05 gennaio 11, 18:30   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 28-08-2008
Messaggi: 4
Slope flying in Umbria


we are a group of slope pilots from Germany. Normally we are flying in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Sometimes we are going to the Seiser Alm.

In 2011 it is the idea to go to Monte Cucco and Monte Vettore. Therefore I have the following questions:

- what is the best time to go ?
- do you have any regulations there ?
- what are the best places to sleep ?
- are there any other slopes in the area ?

Normally I discuss those questions with my good, old friend Fraspeed, but he is not responding actually


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Vecchio 05 gennaio 11, 18:59   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fraspeed
Data registr.: 03-04-2007
Residenza: Tuscolo RM
Messaggi: 1.229
Originalmente inviato da Goggi Visualizza messaggio

we are a group of slope pilots from Germany. Normally we are flying in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Sometimes we are going to the Seiser Alm.

In 2011 it is the idea to go to Monte Cucco and Monte Vettore. Therefore I have the following questions:

- what is the best time to go ?
- do you have any regulations there ?
- what are the best places to sleep ?
- are there any other slopes in the area ?

Normally I discuss those questions with my good, old friend Fraspeed, but he is not responding actually


Be patient mike!! i will contact you very soon!!!

prepare your asses for the real slope flying!!
si ma dello swift ha solo il nome, per il resto è il solito modello nevrotico che non conosce cosa sia una termica e tanto meno assomiglia al vero.
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Vecchio 05 gennaio 11, 20:16   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di geebee
Data registr.: 30-10-2003
Residenza: Tra Fermo e M.te Vettore
Messaggi: 2.382
Originalmente inviato da Goggi Visualizza messaggio
Normally I discuss those questions with my good, old friend Fraspeed, but he is not responding actually



Mike, you have a bad friend....
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Vecchio 05 gennaio 11, 23:07   #4 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 28-08-2008
Messaggi: 4
Thanks !


thanks for the responses. I'm so happy that Fra is still gay !

Fra, pls. contact me !

I'm really looking forward to fly with you guys.


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