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Vecchio 26 agosto 06, 21:43   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 26-08-2006
Residenza: Germany near Stuttgart
Messaggi: 2
RC-flying in Umbria ?

Hello friends,

I am searching for interesting locations and contacts to italian glider pilots in Umbria. I know there are beautiful slopes for scale gliding .... and I am planning to organize an trip with a group of RC-enthusiasts next year.
Can anybody help me giving me some good addresses?
My websites:

I would be happy to get some nice contacts and infos.

Best Regards, Gerd Holzner, Flying-Circus Director
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Vecchio 28 agosto 06, 17:50   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Lscrignoli
Data registr.: 01-03-2006
Residenza: Bologna
Messaggi: 515
Originalmente inviato da Gerd Holzner
Hello friends,

I am searching for interesting locations and contacts to italian glider pilots in Umbria. I know there are beautiful slopes for scale gliding .... and I am planning to organize an trip with a group of RC-enthusiasts next year.
Can anybody help me giving me some good addresses?
My websites:

I would be happy to get some nice contacts and infos.

Best Regards, Gerd Holzner, Flying-Circus Director
Hi Gerd ,
if you are interesting in slope flying in Umbria ( close to the border of Marche region ) I can suggest Monte Vettore : this beautiful slope is located near Assisi and you can enjoy flying big scale sailplanes .
You can find some informations on this web site unfortunaly is in italian language but please fell free to ask me some more infos .
I met some guys from Baden Baden a couple of weeks ago on Monte Catria , that is also a very good slope near Pesaro ( Marche )

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Vecchio 28 agosto 06, 18:34   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di gmo78
Data registr.: 14-05-2004
Residenza: Nel Parco Regionale del Matese (CE)
Messaggi: 4.295
I don't live in Umbria but I hear that in Monte Norcia there is a very interesting location for dynamic soaring (if you like extreme...)
Visita il mio sito!
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Vecchio 29 agosto 06, 21:58   #4 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 26-08-2006
Residenza: Germany near Stuttgart
Messaggi: 2
Slope soaring in Umbria ....

Thanks for the infos ... great views, fantastic!
I think I have to visit this regions a soon as possible ....

Me and my friends are flying with scale gliders with winspans of 5 - over 7 m !
It seems that this slope sides are made for them ....


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