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Vecchio 09 gennaio 14, 11:11   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 25-01-2011
Messaggi: 100
X-models Stingray: ballast necessary?

I have a "medium" weight Stingray I'm busy assembling (HS wings, LS fuselage). I would like to ask those who have flown this plane whether they use ballast (or wish they had installed a ballast tube)? I find most of my "scale-type" aerobatic gliders (Baudis Salto, Graecalis, L-213A) actually don't respond well to additional weight, even in strong conditions...

Replies in any language are OK! Thanks.


woodstock101 non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 11 gennaio 14, 14:32   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Manubrio
Data registr.: 23-06-2012
Residenza: folgaria
Messaggi: 1.846
Originalmente inviato da woodstock101 Visualizza messaggio
I have a "medium" weight Stingray I'm busy assembling (HS wings, LS fuselage). I would like to ask those who have flown this plane whether they use ballast (or wish they had installed a ballast tube)? I find most of my "scale-type" aerobatic gliders (Baudis Salto, Graecalis, L-213A) actually don't respond well to additional weight, even in strong conditions...

Replies in any language are OK! Thanks.


It does not fear extra weight. More inertia more fun.
Manubrio non è collegato   Rispondi citando


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