Valenta model Dragon Fly Pro... - - Forum Modellismo

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Vecchio 08 gennaio 12, 18:51   #1 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di cescoglum
Data registr.: 03-07-2009
Residenza: bergamo e val di fiemme
Messaggi: 187
Valenta model Dragon Fly Pro...

Qualcuno conosce questo modello?


Sto cercando qualcosa sui 3 , 3.5 m, per pendio non sempre troppo generoso di dinamica...
cescoglum non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 08 gennaio 12, 21:28   #2 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 25-01-2011
Messaggi: 100
I do know that the Pro is quite an old model. I believe there had been some problems with wing strength?, and that was why the Valenta "Dragonfly Strong" was born! I have had the Dragonfly Strong, and can recommend it very highly for thermal flying, but not really as a fast slope model...

Sorry for the English : (...
woodstock101 non è collegato   Rispondi citando
Vecchio 09 gennaio 12, 14:05   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di cescoglum
Data registr.: 03-07-2009
Residenza: bergamo e val di fiemme
Messaggi: 187
Originalmente inviato da woodstock101 Visualizza messaggio
I do know that the Pro is quite an old model. I believe there had been some problems with wing strength?, and that was why the Valenta "Dragonfly Strong" was born! I have had the Dragonfly Strong, and can recommend it very highly for thermal flying, but not really as a fast slope model...

Sorry for the English : (...

no problem, I perfectly understood what you said...
so I can imagine that the PRO version is mainly suitable for thermal flying

your Strong version seems interesting: I had occasion to try some models ( also wing span 2m) with airfoil MH-32 and I appreciated the smooth behaviour and stability...

thanks for the information and sorry also for my english
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