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Vecchio 30 gennaio 10, 20:25   #1 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
volare con alianti in Toscana

Primo voglio salutare tuti gli amici aeromedellistici in questo forum.
Io sono residente della svizzera e parla e capisco un po l'italiano, ma scriverre... e un problemo grave.
E perche scrivo in inghlese e spero che qualcuno mi risponde.

I'm looking for a place to fly for me and some friends. My parents are origin from Toscana near Pelago and I'm familiar with the closer region. I was several times mountainbiking on the Pratomagno and I have seen some worthy places up there. I think arround the Croce di Pratomagno should be a nice place also for landing.

Is somebody here in this forum that can tell me what we have to check and to respect before flying in this region? I would like to avoid any problems for the local model enthusiasts. Are there some special regulations, we have to fullfill before flying? We are used to fly in the swiss alps and are not beginners. We are all menbers of the Swiss Aero Club incl. worldwide incident assurance. We are all using 2.4 GHz Radiocontrols.

Thanks in advance for your response.


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Vecchio 30 gennaio 10, 20:30   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ranox
Data registr.: 07-05-2004
Residenza: Roma
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Hi Corrado,

I think the best thing you can do is to send a MP (Private Message) to Mr Mario, aka "STRONCAPAPERI" who read this forum.

you can find Mr Stroncapaperi here:

Best regards


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Vecchio 30 gennaio 10, 21:09   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
Hi Robbè,

Many thanks for that info.

I will do so.


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Vecchio 01 febbraio 10, 02:24   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stroncapaperi
Data registr.: 19-03-2006
Residenza: Cittadino del mondo sulle Colline del Chianti
Messaggi: 4.282
Immagini: 11
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Hi Robbè,

Many thanks for that info.

I will do so.


What month you want to come flying in Tuscany? I collect more information and answer you in private.
ciao Mario
Ciao emme2, amico, compagno di voli, maestro e compagno di merende....
I Have no dream, ma mi piace u' pilù
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Vecchio 01 febbraio 10, 02:25   #5 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stroncapaperi
Data registr.: 19-03-2006
Residenza: Cittadino del mondo sulle Colline del Chianti
Messaggi: 4.282
Immagini: 11
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Originalmente inviato da ranox Visualizza messaggio
Hi Corrado,

I think the best thing you can do is to send a MP (Private Message) to Mr Mario, aka "STRONCAPAPERI" who read this forum.

you can find Mr Stroncapaperi here:

Best regards


Che fai me procacci il lavoro??? te possino, e dagli l'indirizzo di sloper no!!!
Ciao emme2, amico, compagno di voli, maestro e compagno di merende....
I Have no dream, ma mi piace u' pilù
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Vecchio 01 febbraio 10, 22:16   #6 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
Ciao Mario,

Some days in spring should work out. The day's are not fixed yet because up to now it was the idea only. I have some places to sleep in my parents house so if the conditions to fly are not to complicated we can start to define a date. Momentarily the temperatures are not remarkable higher in Toscana then here in switzerland.
To have the feeling like sitting in a frigo I have not to drive 600km south before.


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Vecchio 06 febbraio 10, 11:56   #7 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
Originalmente inviato da stroncapaperi Visualizza messaggio
What month you want to come flying in Tuscany?
Ciao Mario,

The following time-frames are in focus to be possible options;
week 13 / 14 (27.3 - 11.04.2010) or week 19 / 20 (08.05 - 24.05.2010).
The windows are covering Easter or Pentecost.

Salutti Corrado
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Vecchio 08 febbraio 10, 01:53   #8 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stroncapaperi
Data registr.: 19-03-2006
Residenza: Cittadino del mondo sulle Colline del Chianti
Messaggi: 4.282
Immagini: 11
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Ciao Mario,

The following time-frames are in focus to be possible options;
week 13 / 14 (27.3 - 11.04.2010) or week 19 / 20 (08.05 - 24.05.2010).
The windows are covering Easter or Pentecost.

Salutti Corrado
To fly at the cross of Pratomagno and Mount Secchieta, April and May months are not good. I have good months from June to September. Earlier this week, anyway I'm writing more detailed information.
Hello mario
Ciao emme2, amico, compagno di voli, maestro e compagno di merende....
I Have no dream, ma mi piace u' pilù
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Vecchio 09 febbraio 10, 10:40   #9 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
What other options are available in the closer region arround Pontassieve or Stia? The Monte Vettore is to far to drive. I'm looking for a place in a radius of about 1 hour by car max. O.K. if I take the autostrada I need about 3/4 hours to Siena or for the Mugello and about 1 1/4 hours to Pisa. Are there valuable places in this aereas?

Salutti Corrado
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Vecchio 09 febbraio 10, 23:44   #10 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di alexp
Data registr.: 06-01-2009
Residenza: Scarperia (fi)
Messaggi: 166
Hello Conrad, I am part of the group Models Mugello, and we have a nice airfield near Scarperia. If you want to fly come along with us, we aerotraino haulers with 50 and 100 cc motor.
Visit our Sito web del Gruppo Collezionisti e Modellisti del Mugello- and in case of need even ask
Hello Ale
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