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Vecchio 03 maggio 10, 10:24   #31 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
Ciao Mario and Andrea,

I will be in Toscana the comming 2 weeks (beginning May 9.) and it would be great to meet both of you. Maybe we can go flying together?


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Vecchio 03 maggio 10, 11:50   #32 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ghiottone
Data registr.: 03-12-2005
Residenza: San Giovanni (AR)
Messaggi: 207

Originalmente inviato da campa Visualizza messaggio
Ciao Mario and Andrea,

I will be in Toscana the comming 2 weeks (beginning May 9.) and it would be great to meet both of you. Maybe we can go flying together?



Hello Corrado.
I will do my utmost to be there, I just had a little knee surgery and can not walk very well, but mostly I can not force it.
The positive side is that until June 6 not return to work, although there are times when I stay at home (10-12 and 17-19).
This is my mobile number:
We hope that the weather is good so we can organize a good day to fly.

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Vecchio 03 maggio 10, 12:21   #33 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
Ciao Andrea,

Hope it was not to serious with your knee. I will call you to find a date.

I'm looking forward.

Saluti Corrado
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Vecchio 04 maggio 10, 17:56   #34 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stroncapaperi
Data registr.: 19-03-2006
Residenza: Cittadino del mondo sulle Colline del Chianti
Messaggi: 4.282
Immagini: 11
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Originalmente inviato da ghiottone Visualizza messaggio
Hello Corrado.
I will do my utmost to be there, I just had a little knee surgery and can not walk very well, but mostly I can not force it.
The positive side is that until June 6 not return to work, although there are times when I stay at home (10-12 and 17-19).
This is my mobile number:
We hope that the weather is good so we can organize a good day to fly.

Ti sei fatto il menisco Andrea?
Io vado giovedì a fare la visita dal neurochirurgo per un ernia cervicale che mi sta togliendo un braccio......mannaggia.
Speriamo nel tempo perchè a guardare gli ultimi giorni......
Ciao mario
Ciao emme2, amico, compagno di voli, maestro e compagno di merende....
I Have no dream, ma mi piace u' pilù
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Vecchio 04 maggio 10, 20:56   #35 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ghiottone
Data registr.: 03-12-2005
Residenza: San Giovanni (AR)
Messaggi: 207

Originalmente inviato da stroncapaperi Visualizza messaggio
Ti sei fatto il menisco Andrea?
Io vado giovedì a fare la visita dal neurochirurgo per un ernia cervicale che mi sta togliendo un braccio......mannaggia.
Speriamo nel tempo perchè a guardare gli ultimi giorni......
Ciao mario
Menisco, capsula sinoviale e un altro paio di cosette; comunque tutto in artroscopia ora si tratta di avere un pò di pazienza.
Per il meteo come al solito siamo nelle "mani" di quello del piano di sopra..... .

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Vecchio 05 maggio 10, 09:54   #36 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15

I'm travelling the looong way from behind the alps and will find both tuscan starpilots out of order?


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Vecchio 05 maggio 10, 10:43   #37 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stroncapaperi
Data registr.: 19-03-2006
Residenza: Cittadino del mondo sulle Colline del Chianti
Messaggi: 4.282
Immagini: 11
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Originalmente inviato da campa Visualizza messaggio

I'm travelling the looong way from behind the alps and will find both tuscan starpilots out of order?


Ciao emme2, amico, compagno di voli, maestro e compagno di merende....
I Have no dream, ma mi piace u' pilù
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Vecchio 21 maggio 10, 23:29   #38 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di campa
Data registr.: 30-01-2010
Residenza: Argovia
Messaggi: 15
Thumbs up Molto grazie! Thank you! Merci!

The swiss guys would like to say thank you for the wonderfull days we have spent in Chiassaia and the Case san Romolo.
Thanks to Andrea for that warm welcome and the time you have spent to show us your favour pendio's and also for the Forbice and Guanti. I have still some pins of the "spino bianco" in my fingers to remove!
Thanks also to the group of modellers that keep the pendio in Case san Romolo in such excellent conditions.
Unfortunately it was not possible to meet Mario but the job does have prio one. For sure we will meet next time.
It would be a favour to welcome you on our pendio's in Switzerland.


Corrado, Peter and Eugen
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Vecchio 22 maggio 10, 20:47   #39 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di stroncapaperi
Data registr.: 19-03-2006
Residenza: Cittadino del mondo sulle Colline del Chianti
Messaggi: 4.282
Immagini: 11
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Originalmente inviato da campa Visualizza messaggio
The swiss guys would like to say thank you for the wonderfull days we have spent in Chiassaia and the Case san Romolo.
Thanks to Andrea for that warm welcome and the time you have spent to show us your favour pendio's and also for the Forbice and Guanti. I have still some pins of the "spino bianco" in my fingers to remove!
Thanks also to the group of modellers that keep the pendio in Case san Romolo in such excellent conditions.
Unfortunately it was not possible to meet Mario but the job does have prio one. For sure we will meet next time.
It would be a favour to welcome you on our pendio's in Switzerland.


Corrado, Peter and Eugen
Peccato Corrado, ieri ero a case san romolo e pensavo di incontrarvi. Condizioni molto belle anche ieri. Vi saluta anche Fabio che avete conosciuto a case di san romolo.
Ciao emme2, amico, compagno di voli, maestro e compagno di merende....
I Have no dream, ma mi piace u' pilù
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Vecchio 22 maggio 10, 23:30   #40 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ghiottone
Data registr.: 03-12-2005
Residenza: San Giovanni (AR)
Messaggi: 207

Originalmente inviato da campa Visualizza messaggio
The swiss guys would like to say thank you for the wonderfull days we have spent in Chiassaia and the Case san Romolo.
Thanks to Andrea for that warm welcome and the time you have spent to show us your favour pendio's and also for the Forbice and Guanti. I have still some pins of the "spino bianco" in my fingers to remove!
Thanks also to the group of modellers that keep the pendio in Case san Romolo in such excellent conditions.
Unfortunately it was not possible to meet Mario but the job does have prio one. For sure we will meet next time.
It would be a favour to welcome you on our pendio's in Switzerland.


Corrado, Peter and Eugen

I'm happy that even though the weather was rainy almost always are able to experience the slopes in our area.
I hope next time to be the best conditions so you can even fly together.
Good flying and happy landings.

Ciao Andrea.
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