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Visualizza messaggio singolo
Vecchio 11 giugno 08, 12:58   #104 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Vietto
Data registr.: 21-09-2005
Residenza: Genova
Messaggi: 871
Risposta di mamma Mpx

Non sperate di scoprire il problema, sono riuscito ad avere una risposta per lo meno per quel che riguarda il rimborso della spedizione. Due servi Nano-S
Ovviamente e' una risposta precompilata...

If your TX is probably affected (purchased after Dec.2006) we strongly
recommend to send us the TX just to be on the safe side. We are not able to
specify exactly since when our supplier delivered us with how many
components with unstable quality.
If you don’t know exactly when your transmitter was bought you should also
send the transmitter for evaluation to us to be on the safe side.
So far we doesn't’t had any known failure. So we are lucky that we found
this quality issue just in time.

We have will update the recall notice on our website as soon as something
new has to be considered. So please take a look on
Multiplex Modellsport from time to time. Important: Please mark your
shipment with "Recall ROYALevo/COCKPIT SX" clearly from outside.

Door-to-door time
As we actually don't know how many transmitters we will receive we can't
give you any estimation how soon we can return the TX. At the moment we are
able to return the TX within a few days. Our goal certainly is to minimize
waiting time to a minimum.

Regarding refund of postage:
We will refund postage by adding 1 Nano-S servo (2 servos for shipments from
abroad) for free to the reshipment.

We kindly ask for your comprehension for trouble and wish you a lot of joy,
pleasure and success in modeling.

Se mi gira adesso gli telefono e gli chiedo come si comporterebbero con le spedizioni multiple, ho visto sul sito delle poste che spedire una radio e spedirne tre non cambia il prezzo....

Genoa Slope Soaring Team

Ultima modifica di Vietto : 11 giugno 08 alle ore 13:02
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