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Vecchio 15 luglio 05, 16:23   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Originally posted by "Rahlp Okon a.ka. powerditto"
I think, you should better calculate with ca. 4 per mm, because of the needed insulation between the plates. in summery 40 up to 45 per cm I think.

we are looking now for curved magnets for the project.
it seems, if there are enough users who join the project,
ist could give a complete set (can, bearings, etc.) for the motor.
lenght then 5, 10 and 15mm in first attempt.

and the baby has a name now:
its our "CROCODILE"

-has many teeth too, more then the others
-seems to be leazy, but is a very powerfull animal.
- there are big elektrical lokomotives(?) for railway, also named so:

if you are interested in more details, please have a look at

we have orders for 2000 statorplates now and we need minimum 5000 to get this very good price.....

viele grüsse,
ron_van_sommeren non è collegato   Rispondi citando