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Vecchio 18 gennaio 08, 21:44   #492 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Danielxan
Data registr.: 14-05-2006
Residenza: Gallarate
Messaggi: 1.029
Hi Josuè

If you want to use the transformer 15-0-15 with the PWM-MOS7, you must replace the R8 with one from 680ohm 5W, the diode Dz3 must be from 20V, the diodes D1 and D3 seem me small, put at least another of it in parallel.
Connect the 4 bridges H of the connectors P3 P4 P5 P6.

If don't have the condensers from 100v you can put also those from 63v but it would be better not to go down under the 80v.

Sorry the pcb of the switch it not ever I drew, if you tell me of thing need I can see to draw you one of it.

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