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Vecchio 18 maggio 05, 15:13   #18 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 03-10-2004
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Originally posted by ron_van_sommeren@18 maggio 2005, 11:06
Dimentichilo, il futuro è OLANDESE
Per la traduzione in linea automatica delle parole, le frasi, l'uso completo (di internetpages non è perfetta, dire il minimi )

Forget it, the future is DUTCH
For automatic online translation of words, sentences, complete internetpages use (It's not perfect, to say the least )
aha, the translation's automatic. in fact it isn't so good...
BTW don't mind some user's comments, at least for me you're always welcome.


lift does not matter if thrust is enough
saluti da vladimir!
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