Discussione: Ma che motori sono?
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Vecchio 29 ottobre 07, 15:11   #13 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Originalmente inviato da SoldatoSemplice
La ventola del computer non è un brushless! ...
Yes it is. It has to be, otherwise it (the 'spazola') would not last lang enough. It has a very simple electronic circuit.
And brushless is not automatically 3-phase.

Vriendelijke groeten ;) Ron van Sommeren
• motor building tips & tricks
• diy brushless motor discussion group
• Drive Calculator download & discussion group
• int.electric fly-in & diy outrunner meet, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
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