A question first:
How to stop or single-step a animated gif picture?
A very very simplified inrunner animation on this page:
http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Port/1...1592/electr.htm A very simplified lrk outrunner animation
Two better inrunner animations, the controller uses sensors but that makes no difference to the motor itself. You can step through the sequence or maximise your window to get the speed down:
http://www.servomag.com/flash/2-pole/2pole...bldc-motor.html http://www.servomag.com/flash/4-pole/smi-motor007.htm CD-rom outrunner motor computer simulation
bigger version and colours explained).
The cd-rom motor simulation was done with a free simulation program:
http://femm.foster-miller.net LRK outrunner computer simulation, different colours for different magnetic field strength
Waveforms and signals in a brushless controller: