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Vecchio 14 settembre 07, 16:05   #5 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 13-05-2007
Residenza: Bologna
Messaggi: 3.173
Immagini: 69
Originalmente inviato da AlexxZeta
Costa solo 540 euro? Pensavo molto di più....
ehm mi sa che ....

* Base price mechanics (inclusive. On board electrical starter):

4.950, - Eur

* RC-plates (CFK), for the assembly of complete RC-electronics:

145, - Eur

* Coach chassis consisting for above mentioned mechanics of aluminum skid chassis, hood, 1 litre tank, tail with tail units and Abstrebung (complete in aluminum/CFK):

545, - Eur

* Kit without ZG-petrol engine, muffler plant, Starterakku, RC-electronics, rotor blades and trunk cell Ka-52
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