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Vecchio 14 settembre 07, 11:14   #1 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 13-05-2007
Residenza: Bologna
Messaggi: 3.173
Immagini: 69
Questo coax NON vola in salotto....!

e non costa neppure una fucilata!

(trad automatica :-( )
Technical data Ka-52 (Ka-50), model yardstick 1: 6

Length over all 2,667 mm
Height over all 825 mm
Fuselage length 2,255 mm
Span 1,217 mm
Main rotor diameter 2 x 2.0 m (and/or 2.4 m)
Rotor speed 1,100 1/min, (and/or 950 1/min)
Engine speed 6,500 1/min
Take-off mass approx. 18 kg

Stand for drive, 2 different propulsion variants to the selection:
Petrol engine ZG 62SL (62ccm), max. 3.5 KW (approx. 4.6 HP), magneto ignition, regular grade fuel 1: 50
2-Wellenturbine JetCat SPT5-H, 6.5 KW (approx. 9 HP), kerosene starting system

Electrical nose and main retractable landing gear. In front dual tire
Linked height and rudders
Onboard Elektrostarter
Semi Scale swash plates and rotor linking in aluminum
Lighting system
Rocket launcher

Servo control, receiving:
1 x gas
4 x swash plates (4 point linking)
1 x craving
2 x elevators, combines with TS-control
1 x rudder, combines with TS-control
1 x PCM double superreceiver
1 x Gyro system for greed servo, Futaba GY 401
2 x Akkus 5-zellig, electronic switch inclusive. Akkuweiche
Governor, Throttle Jockey pro with enterprise with petrol engine ZG62 SL (Model Avionics)
High current switch for E-starters

Rotor control:

Cyclic control:
Both rotors possess in each case a swash plate for control that in each case three. Rotor blades. The control of the lower rotor blades is made directly by the TS-outer ring of the lower TS. The control of the upper rotor blades is made indirectly by the upper swash plate and the mixture controls arranged above the upper rotor head. In the case of cyclic control of the lower TS the upper TS is linked directly in the same direction with. By skillful selection of the swash plate diameters and mixture control parameters same cyclic excursions have the upper and lower rotor system.

Collective pitch:
The pitch control takes place at both swash plates in the same direction. Through/lowers the lower TS the upper TS lifts directly with is addressed. Via the aforementioned mixture controls however a larger excursion takes place to the rotor head sheet holding at the upper rotor head. Thereby a yaw moment develops on the helicopter, which by a transmitter-lateral static “tail rotor” - admixture in connection with a Gierkreisel becomes balanced.

Yaw control:
The yaw control of the rotor system takes place via against-intimate pitch control of the two rotor heads. At the two rotors develop different buoyancy coefficients and thus torques of which craving helicopters around the vertical axis cause. The resulting lift at both rotors remains the same, so that the model away-rises not at the same time or drops. The yaw control (tail rotor function) is headed for by axial to adjust the mixture control bridge, at which again the mixture controls are installed. The mixture control bridge over a rod inner slider/bellcrank combination is headed for by the hollowbored interior driveshaft by the greed servo. Via the aforementioned control directly only the control of the sheet owners of the upper rotor head takes place. Gegensinnig in addition is reached by means of a transmitter-lateral admixture a sinking/a rise of the lower TS. Thereby, as mentions already above, again differently large excursions at the two rotor heads enstehen, facilitate the whole yaw control not necessarily. An efficient and co-ordinated Gyrosystem in connection with a sufficiently fast and strong digital servo is a condition for a good tail stabilization
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