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Vecchio 14 luglio 07, 09:17   #9 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 24-05-2007
Messaggi: 118
Mounting the gyro
This is one of the most important considerations if the full potential of the SL720 is to be realised. The gyro must be mounted on a horizontal surface. This
surface must be accurately at right angles to the main shaft of the helicopter in both pitch and roll directions. Failure to do this will cause unwanted rollyaw
or pitch-yaw interactions. Although the SMM gyro sensor has a high degree of shock and vibration immunity the SL720 performs best if sited at a
point of low vibration in the helicopter airframe. Where possible a location close to the centre of gravity of the helicopter is advantageous. Especially avoid
siting the gyro at the extreme front of the radio tray as this area is subject to high levels of main rotor generated vibration and flexing of the tray under servo
loads will be transmitted to the gyro.
Generally the gyro will more accurately track the motion of the helicopter if mounted at the rear of the frames. Poor
location of the sensor can impose a wobbling motion on the sensor from the main rotor or the engine and produce a vibrationally induced precession of the
heading (see Appendix J for more information).
Mount the gyro so that the LEDs can easily be seen.

Queste sono le istruzioni dedl csm720, a mio avviso il miglior gyro, il problema non è la velocità angolare ma l'amplificazione delle vibrazioni.

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