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Vecchio 06 marzo 19, 09:34   #10002 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 24-06-2006
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 1.092
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Forse hanno alzato il limite dei $50.
Questa e' la risposta al mio reclamo, in pratica HK se ne lava le mani accollando la responsabilita di come vengono spediti a chi gestisce il magazzino Europeo. Mettono in discussione anche un eventuale rimborso in caso di non ricezione del pacco, questo spero di non doverlo sperimentare perche se non ricevo il pacco apro di certo contestazione con PayPal.
"Thank you for bringing that up.

First, we definitely recognize Platinum members, but, when it comes to shipping options and amounts, we don't have direct control over those.

Shipping options and costs are systems generated by the couriers themselves as they are connected to our system on the shipping part. They even decide when they will provide service/availability.

Same goes with Free Shipping, we don't decide what courier will go free on shipping as they are the ones who have the 'trigger' on who'll accept Free Shipping randomly, which explains there are times that GLS does it and Bpost No Tracking does it as well.

Moreover, here are your shipping details for Order 500054077:

POSTED on March 1, 2019 via Bpost No Tracking with 3-14 business days transit time.

We cannot request for an investigation in case it gets lost as all investigations require a shipping method that generates a tracking number. Bpost No Tracking doesn't have that by default.

The only way we may refund is that when the parcel returns to us, but, it's not guaranteed.

In case you still don't have it past transit time from date posted, I strongly suggest that you check post office, customs, and Bpost itself. I have searched for their contact info for you:

The general phone number is +32 2 2762111, the fax number is +32 2 2762175 and the email address is Please use this email address for any queries or complaints you may have. For these matters, you can also call customer service on 022 012345.

Please bear with me as it's the best that I can do for you in this case.

Lastly, we've known a lot of feedback from customers who have used Bpost No Tracking and their parcels have been successfully delivered even past transit time.

Please tell me if you got more thoughts on this or if there's anything else that I may be of help.

Thank you.


Customer Service Team

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Inutile prendere la vita troppo sul serio ... tanto non se ne esce vivi
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