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Vecchio 06 luglio 18, 02:23   #28 (permalink)  Top
buzz lightyear
Data registr.: 06-08-2017
Residenza: Nord-Est
Messaggi: 436
Originalmente inviato da AndreaL Visualizza messaggio
In Multiplex sono bravini
Io volicchio ogni tanto con un Easy Glider ed è quasi incredibile come vola bene.
Non sono d'accordo.

Per curiosità, avete verificato le caratteristiche dell'EasyGlider (pro/4)? In particolare, la superficie alare (FAI) è corretta? 41,6 dmq per l’EasyGlider pro e 40 dmq per l’EasyGlider 4?

EasyGlider pro - Specification: Glider | Electric glider
Wingspan 1800 mm
Overall length 1130 mm
All-up weight approx. 800 g | with standard power system approx. 980 g
Wing area, FAI approx. 41.6 sq dm
Wing loading approx. 20 g/sq dm | approx. 24 g/sq dm

EasyGlider 4 - Specification:
Wingspan 1800 mm
Overall length 1080 mm
Take off mass approx. 1100 g
Wing area approx. 40 sq dm (FAI)
(FAI => wing + tailplane, excl. fuselage)
Wing loading approx. 27 g/sq dm

P.S. Il tempo passa, si sa, così come le teorie scientifiche errate (v. Incorrect Lift Theory - Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics, ma non per Multiplex:

"The wing features a cambered airfoil section over which the air flows when the model is flying. In a given period of time the air flowing over the top surface of the wing has to cover a greater distance than the air flowing under it. This causes a reduction in pressure on the top surface, which in turn creates a lifting force which keeps the aircraft in the air."
(EasyGlider pro - MULTIPLEX 2012 -

“When air flows over a wing, the wing section (airfoil, cross-section through the wing) causes the air to move at different speeds over the upper and lower surfaces. This results in a difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the wing: the pressure on the top of the wing is lower than that on the underside, and the result is a force which we call lift. It is this force which keeps the aircraft in the air.”
(EasyGlider 4 - MULTIPLEX 2017 -
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