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Vecchio 04 novembre 17, 13:10   #6564 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.677
Improvement release: New Firmware & Software 3.1.027:

As usual Software and Firmware update will be automatic, and system will prompt user to update once powered unit is connected to a Windows PC with internet connection active. But for those with Brain that no longer use the Windows application so frequently (because the controller is fine as it was set up), let's know who was interested in the release of the following update (note that the last 3.1.027 incorporate the precedent 3.1.026):

Release Notes:
"•" = only for "2" units "-" = for all units (1 and 2)

- 3.1.027 (firmware 3.1.027)
- Now in wizard step 1 selecting from factory default the ESC brand, the MIN and MAX values of Throttle Out are changed for that ESC brand
• For Futaba telemetry, added "SBS-01R*" RPM sensor emulation transmitted in the slot 28 for T10J transmitters that don't have in the actual firmware the "CASTLE-TL0" sensor
- Reduced max value for Bailout ramp from 140 to 70
- Now when the "PPM/SUM" protocol is selected starting from the default "Standard Receiver", it is no more needed to cycle the power of the unit
• Enabled with the new protocol the ability to download more than one log without the need to cycle power of the unit
- Disabled in Auto Level the new filter added to reduce vibration effect to Auto Level
- Reinserted the missing labels "Proportional Gain"
- Updated version of "README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf" in the MANUALS page
- Minor instructions changes (Poles count related)
- New updated French resources
- Improvements/optimization/compression/reduction/speed up of the code

- 3.1.026 (firmware 3.1.026)
• Added telemetry for Kosmik, Jive Pro, Kolibri, Kontrol-X ESC's. Is needed a new firmware release for the ESC not yet released from Kontronik, and a cable with the 5 pole kontronik connector
• Added for OpenTX Transmitters and FrSky receivers with Smart Port the Brain2 telemetry transmission of ESC data's (is needed a special cable adapter)
• Added in Governor pages (Wizard & Advanced) the “mAh Max Usable”. If ESC telemetry and governor are either active and the "Battery Used mAh" value raise this new tunable value (mAh Max Usable), the pilot is advised by a RPM reduction of ~20%. Factory Default value: 7000mAh
- Improved the governor function for combustion models (Nitro/Gasser) that use a servo for control the motor output power
• Added in DIAGNOSTIC the possibility to also display the RPMs normally recorded together vibrations as a new eleventh parameter (ONLY FOR NEW LOGS AND VIBRATIONS RECORDED WITH THIS NEW FIRMWARE OR SUCCESSIVE)
• The RPM displayed as eleventh parameter is the filtered RPM used by Governor and can be compared to the unfiltered RPM signal coming from sensor
• Added the new loggable parameter for SPM4649T "SRXL receiver dBm" (is needed at least the new firmware 1.1.9 for SPM4649T released from Spektrum)
• Added the new loggable parameter "Rx/SwTailGain"
• Added the new loggable parameter "TailOut"
• Renamed the loggable variable “DSMX SAT's Lost Frames” to "DSMX SAT's Frame Losses” as called by Spektrum
• Now for fastest operation when re-enter into the Spektrum Integration, the position (menu row, sub menu row, displayed value) is the same left at the Integration exit
• On Spektrum Integration, Governor menu, moved the "Throttle Out MAX" after the "Throttle Out MIN" as is the normal order
• Added in Spektrum Integration, under Diagnostic the possibility to select as loggable the five RX parameters (DSMX SAT1 fades, DSMX SAT2 Fades, DSMX SRXL Fades, Frame Losses, Holds) and the two new parameters "Rx/SwTailGain" and "TailOut"
• Added in Graupner Integration under Diagnostic the possibility to select as loggable the two new parameters "Rx/SwTailGain" and "TailOut"
- Updated all schematics of wizard page 4 related to "Spektrum SRXL" protocol, with added SAT's as optional, for schematics of Brain, microBrain, microBrain2, miniBrain2, Brain2, Brain2+BT, Brain2-HD, Brain2-HD+BT (Brain and iKon)
- Increased the Minimum Value for "Rescue Pitch Max" from 50% to 60% because at 50% to some user with very low RPM the model doesn't raise but loses quota
- Improved electric noisy field immunity of Spektrum SAT's connector (EG: if a sat cable is connected to SAT1 or SAT2 port but without any sat connected on the other side the antenna done by cable don't read wrong data's)
• In the Log reversed the polarity of the "Rx Aileron" & "AileronRotationRate °/Sec" signals so, now correspond to the polarity of the "Transmitter setup" panel
- Now when a hardware error is recognized during startup sequence, Throttle Out is blocked to MIN for security reason, (it is not even possible to program esc's with the stick)
• Added for Futaba telemetry a control of the MAX Current read from Futaba/Robbe CURR-F1678 sensor to 163.8A to avoid possible overflow
• In Spektrum and Graupner Integrations reduced the minimum value of overall Cyclic gains from 10 to 7 (for micro tri blades heli) like in Windows software
• Now the new download protocol used for Events, download all the 200 last events and not only the last 175 for all kind of "2" units
• Activated the new download protocol that no more work at a fixed low speed but work proportionally to the PC speed also for "Recorded Logs Download" from unit
• Activated the new download protocol that no more work at a fixed low speed but work proportionally to the PC speed also for "Recorded Vibration Download" from unit
• Activated the new download protocol that no more work at a fixed low speed but work proportionally to the PC speed also for "Real Time Logs"
• Now if an app is executed or Integration is activated, the active logs stop but it is no more cancelled
• Added in the saved csv files of logs and vibrations, the info's about firmware and software version used during the log of that file
- Delayed the message "OK" at the end of firmware update that now appear only at the end of re-initialization process with an added process status bar
- Added in wizard step 1 under the list of battery the Glacier brand
- Added the button "Copy to Clipboard" in the Release Notes
• Masked a bug of the Castle Creation ESC with Castle Link protocol that at power-on sometime initially transmit wrong values for temperature. Masked the value and not transmitted until the Castle Creations ESC initialization is fully completed
- Added in the Windows app top bar also the SW version number other than the FW version
- New icon used for file/documents where is clearer that "Telemetry" can be also used for nitro/gasser (RPM, Servo Voltage and with Jeti up to 10 brain telemetric values)
- Poles count before Main gear ratio (some user changes Main gear ratio and forget to change also Poles count)
• If ESC Scorpion or Kosmik are selected, now the cursor "mAh Correction Factor" is disabled (the value is calculated internally to the ESC)
• Renamed the button "Clear all logs" to "Erase all logs" to make more evident the difference from the "Clear" button that clear only the video images
- Updated version of "README_for_ESC_datas_log_and_telemetry.pdf" in the MANUALS page
- Updated version of "README_for_Spektrum_Integration.pdf" in the MANUALS page
- New German resources
- New French resources
- Minor graphic changes
- Improvements/optimization/compression/reduction/speed up of the code
• For Futaba telemetry, added TEMP125-F1713 sensor emulation transmitted in the slot27 for T10J transmitters that don't have in the actual firmware the CASTLE-TL0 sensor

- Added the "Import" function in the Android/iOS APPs
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