Originalmente inviato da Mach .99 vedi ad esempio? spiegazione diversa, io leggendo ho inteso più questa ultima, forse quello a digiuno non sono io ed andrebbe letto meglio il manuale?
per il resto è in effetti come l'avevo capito io |
Cito testualmente:
"Wipe Distance: Wiping happens after you've printed your outer most outline (Advanced tab, there's an option that's usually enabled for this). When you print your outer most outline, when it's time to do a retract, there's a good chance that not all of the filament in the extruder nozzle head is going to rise up, that a blob of molten liquid plastic is going to be at the tip of the nozzle still. For this reason, instead of rapidly moving to the next spot right away, you can use the Wipe function, which will wipe over the perimeter and let that filament ooze out, similar to Coasting. However, Coasting is not extruding over areas that need filament (you risk under-extrusion voids if coasting value is too high), Wiping is extruding over areas that have already been printed on(much lower risk of part quality being negatively effected)."
Cito testualmente:
"Wipe has the nozzle retrace over the start of a perimeter line at the end of a perimeter for the specified distance with the extruder off, to leave any ooze behind before proceeding. It is similar to Coast in that it moves the extruder without extruding, but wipe occurs after the end of the line while coast occurs before."
Rispetto a quanto scritto da Tribale (che ha citato questa guida: io ho capito che con il wipe l'ugello smette di estrudere esattamente alla fine del perimetro e poi ne segue un pezzo (wipe distance) mentre esegue la retrazione.
Buona fortuna