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Visualizza messaggio singolo
Vecchio 24 giugno 16, 20:36   #5737 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.677
Originalmente inviato da forbice Visualizza messaggio
ecco il mio file di settaggio per il mio elicottero.
Ok, verificato il difetto. Se si resta nel SW non accade, ma chiudendo e riaprendo il SW succedeva a volte quanto segnalato.
Risolto con il nuovo SW 2.0.007 e FW 2.0.007 appena rilasciati.

Release Notes:
- 2.0.007 (Firmware 2.0.007)
- Added support for Brain 2 units
- Reversed pitch checkbox sometimes disappears. Fixed
- Model Size selection is now based on blades lenght
- Now also if you exit from Rescue before the end of "Rescue Pitch Duration time" the pitch value return to the stick value slowly with full cyclic control
- Removed the added exponential during Auto Level.
- If the Check of Accelerometers fail other than Auto level, now is disabled also the Rescue checkbox
- Some user complain that Nitro Governor has even a slight delay returning from over speed: Fixed
- Vibration "live". Improved
- In Vibration added "Main Rotor RPM" and "Motor RPM" box (these values are recorded together vibration in Brain2)
- microBrain1: no slower initialization
- If you use AUX channel for Auto Level or Rescue, when AUX is active, highlight the color on the related section
- When the Setup “x” change from transmitter, the highlight color changes in panel 11 and 13 is faster
- Panel 5 added in instructions more info for AUX: "set to +/-100" and "Not active with standard receiver"
- Panel 11 of the Wizard Changed name in the menu AUX “Auto Level on AUX Channel” and “No channel for Auto Level” and main name is "AUX Channel"
- In panel 11 "Rescue" and advanced "Rescue", with a standard receiver selected, the fourth panel AUX in rescue is disabled and grayed out
- UDI schematic corrected for iKon SW
- Panel 6, instructions added explanation for the "Reversed Pitch" checkbox also if yet present in the balloon explanations
- Unit now can enter in Check Mode if throttle is lower than 5% (before < 0)
- In panel 7 & 8 the message that check mode cannot activate, appear and disappear automatically changing the throttle value (no more OK key)
- Panel 7 of the wizard: added in instructions a note about green led off if Check Mode is on
- Advanced -> Check Mode: added in the balloon a note about green led off if Check Mode is on
- Add/Modify language: language file now is visible and can be saved and also over writhed
- Restored French and German text in tooltips (for this update, is needed to start the program as Administrator)
- Updated Chinese traditional and Chinese simplified
- Automatic check of unit orientation in panel 9 of the wizard, now if one of the seven internal value is not correctly set, background color become red
- Basic panel 13 changed default values "Tail Rotation Speed" for 3D and Hard Core 3D
- Corrected buttons "Load to file" with "Load from File"
- Some instructions corrected / completed
- Small bug fixes and optimization of code
- Some user complain that Nitro Governor has even a slight delay returning from over speed: Fixed
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