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Vecchio 07 giugno 16, 02:04   #5594 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 28-06-2005
Residenza: Milano
Messaggi: 2.676
C'è da giocare con gli aggiornamenti Software e firmware che sono stati appena rilasciati !!!!

Software/Firmware 2.0.000/2.0.000


Release Notes:
- 2.0.000 (Firmware 2.0.000)
- In some case, when Spektrum satellites are binded by software, setup is defaulted: Fixed
- Added in the “Connections” panel of the Wizard, also schematics for uBrain2 miniBrain2 Brain2, Brain2BT, Brain2HD, Brain2HDBT
- Added in “Demo Mode” the uBrain2 miniBrain2 Brain2, Brain2BT, Brain2HD, Brain2HDBT in the unit selection
- Auto level algorithm completely revised and now is self-configured and auto correct itself
- Removed “Set Level” button from “Unit Orientation” panel of the wizard (now is automatic)
- Removed “Aileron angle for hovering” and “Elevator angle for hovering” cursors (now are automatic)
- Removed “Auto Level” checkboxes from “Flying Style Setup” panel of the Wizard
- Added in the Wizard the new panel “Rescue Mode Setup”
- Added the ability to activate the Auto Level with positive pitch increment (Auto Level or Full Rescue)
- Added the ability to activate the Auto Level with or without positive pitch increment also with another unused radio channel
- Added “Use Rescue” checkbox and “Pitch Rescue increment” and “Time Rescue increment” cursors in Advanced -> Setup n° -> Gov. & Level view
- Added the new panel “Rescue” in Advanced -> Common for dedicated radio channel
- Added “Reversed Pitch” checkbox for model in which the maximum pitch is obtained when the swashplate is all down
- Added a bec test during swashplate and tail movements at end of init. If voltage drop more than 12% an event is recorded (only for unit 2)
- Added the ability to write and edit the instructions in any other language other than those already provided and share the language file with other users
- Removed the “Reset Flight counters” from File menu
- Removed the “Main Counters” from Advanced menu
- Added a new Timer view with the Main Counters and 4 new timers for components maintenances each with a “partial reset” button
- Added Logs Setup view (only for “2” units)
- Added Real time logs view (only for “2” units)
- Added Recorded Logs view (only for “2” units)
- Added Vibration real time view (and recorded only for “2” units)
- Added Events view (only for “2” units)
- Now Setup are in the same page so it is easier to compare
- When you enter a numeric value the box background become yellow until you finish and push “Tab” key
- In panel 2 “Servo Setup” of the wizard, added a Servo chart list (updated with every new release)
- Corrections and fixes to some instructions
- Small bug fixes and optimization of code

Setting changes to do from previous version:
- If you have reversed the pitch in the transmitter, correct it and use "Revesed Pitch" checkbox in panel 6 "Swashplate Type selection" of the wizard, when using reversed swashplate pitch (swashplate down positive pitch)
- Ensure that in the panel 9 "Unit Orientation" of the wizard, the corresponding icon to the actual unit position is active.
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