Discussione: video alianti
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Vecchio 11 dicembre 15, 21:11   #21 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di speedamigo111
Data registr.: 28-09-2015
Residenza: Europa
Messaggi: 86
Originalmente inviato da fraspeed Visualizza messaggio
Bonjour Stefano!!!!!! salut

saleve is much better than umbria!!!!

eh salute francesco!!
long time...
salève is good, but not as good as catria, cuco & co...
but i have started a new film project: 1 year of flying on salève, i will call it 4 seasons on salève or something like that.....
it will be out end of 2016. if you come flying on salève with me again, you will also
get your part and you can show your stingray in action

see you soon
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